March 27th -- Proverbs 27 You shall have ENOUGH goats milk for - TopicsExpress


March 27th -- Proverbs 27 You shall have ENOUGH goats milk for your food, for the household, and the nourishment of your maidservants v.27 This is not a good verse for Americans, what is enough? What will really satisfy me, what would it take? This mentality and value system of wanting material prosperity is not just in the world, but it fills the Church as well. Look in a Christian bookstore and see the amount of books, popular books, that teach how you can be your best and greatest, having what you want. You can accomplish anything you lust after, and they use Gods Name in the process! How can this be when this goes TOTALLY against the teaching of Gods Word and the teaching and lifestyle of Jesus and the Apostles? How can this be, that we fall for lies? The answer is not that deep and not that complicated. It is because of our lusts, our sinful desires, and our love of money and material stuff. Jesus said He cannot be on the throne of our hearts and money as well, it will be one or the other, NEVER both! The Lord and the Word of God is full and gives us so many promises that God will take care of our NEEDS! He does not promise to give us all our selfish wants and self centered desires. The Lord Jesus when He taught on prayer, giving us those principles of prayer, gets about two thirds of the way through the teaching, before ever mentioning us! And then He says, give us this day our daily bread. What? Thats it? Daily, one day at a time? Are you kidding? I do not think Jesus is kidding, I believe He is giving us the true teaching of the Kingdom, NOT the lies of the world dressed up in Biblical terms! The whole tone of Gods Word is that He will take care of us, giving us what we need to eat, clothing to wear and a place to sleep. And with that He wants us to be content, to have rest and peace in our hearts. Not to be chasing after Mammon, that false god that represented material prosperity and the greed of people. Ok, so I focus on what Jesus says is important, to be godly and content, loving Jesus above all else, what then will that look like? Well, what will happen is the things that are important to Jesus will then be important to me! The things that are important to Hollywood will not possess my heart! The things that the world is selling, the stuff they say I have to get will no longer drive me! I will not be seeking things to find fulfillment my contentment will be found in Jesus, seeking after Him and being filled by the Spirit. And so my heart will be transformed, the more I fall in love with Him the more I will love people. Not the rich and famous, not the beautiful people but rather fallen, sinful, lost and broken people! I will seek after them, I will seek to reach them, shining light into darkness! I will really believe that since Jesus came to seek and save the lost, that this is now my calling, the calling of every true believer! Lets hear how the Lord drove this truth home in the life of Moody, many years ago. Moody believed that every Christian had the potential to be used by God, and he often lamented the fact that so few believers were active in reaching out to the lost. He said, It seems to me the basest ingratitude if we do not reach out the hand to OTHERS who are down in the same pit from which we were delivered. LET US PRAY!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:45:32 +0000

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