Maria Simpson(Yes, my wife plays too, which I think is awesome!) - TopicsExpress


Maria Simpson(Yes, my wife plays too, which I think is awesome!) after her defeat at the tournament has taken to going to a place she has not been in some time, Citherons facility. Upon Marias arrival, shes partially shocked to see a large group of new faces, people flocking to Citheron to train under him, his house completely covered in fighters of many different calibers. On Marias first day back, she made sure to keep her distance, examining the fighters, watching them interact with one another getting a feel for who has grouped with who and if there are any potential faces she may recognize, though the latter of which quickly grew unappealing at the sight of some of them. Especially after watching a fiasco go down with a female Reptilian being talked down to a male Gladitorian, which Maria, though Saiyan, did not take too kindly too; though kicky for the Gladitorian, the reptilian stood up for herself and beat the large fighter into the dirt -in Marias eyes this would be much better than what she may have done. Over the next few days Maria trained alone by herself mainly, not that she completely did not want the company, but more of the fact that she was not so sure she would want to welcome most of them. The toils and drama of others seeming more than unappealing to her. Though one thing did spark her attention, Citherons attitude. Since before her arrival, Citheron has been distant, cold even. Quickly snapping at any and all in his path. Which was, to say the least, more than strange for the kind hearted and patient individual that Citheron was. Maria, knowing Citheron better than most of the new comers, made sure to keep her distance until Citheron was... well... more like himself. The wait though... was really getting to her -at least until an opportunity arises itself...... Maria while standing a top Citherons facility watching the fighters to see anyone of potential value to keep an eye out for, Maria caught a glimpse of Citheron and Ryo(Citherons right hand man) speaking in what seemed to be a serious conversation. Though Maria would normally not interrupt such a conversation, the condition of Ryo seemed to be quite battle warn from doing god knows what. The look on Citherons face more than spelled it out, trouble. Hesitant at first, but confident with her approach, Maria dropped down and joined the two. Ryo quickly signaled that Maria was approaching as she walked up, the conversation the two were having immediately coming to a stop, Ryo giving Maria the tough guy silent treatment, Citheron surprisingly inviting, but something making him slightly trip up over his own two feet as Maria approached before excusing Ryos mannerism. Citheron made small talk with Maria while fumbling slightly with his words. Citheron obviously trying to keep what ever it is thats on his mind to himself, but failing in his composure. Ryo keeping a hardened outer-shell towards the two, this was until Citheron brought up a mission he wanted Maria to go on; this getting to the battle sour Ryo, as he immediately turned away and began walking to the Citherons facility. Maria listened contently to Citheron as he asked her a series of questions - though more like statements about herself, mentioning her speed and skill and her mission record. Maria perking up, knowing that her mentor has been distant with everyone else. This was when Citherons fumbling gestures turned serious. A female and a male Saiyan may or may not have been captured by forces yet unknown. These two are very important to our future, they have in formation that could turn the tide of a very dire situation. If our enemy forces get a hold of them, we will be in grave danger. They need extraction as soon as humanly possible. The last recorded message I received from them, they were on planet Tuemnep. Be careful, this planet is in Shichi Daizi territory, and if they catch a Saiyan, let alone a pretty member of the Royal House such as you, they will not be too kind to you. Citheron then told Maria that he himself has never met the Saiyans, but that he has heard loose stories about them. Citheron stressing how enormous the situation is with one final statement which strikes Maria hard, If they are captured, it will end badly for many lives. If you fail... then it could mean the fall of the Royal House. Citheron then handed Maria the tech pad for a small transport ship before wishing her luck. Without wasting any time, Maria quickly boards the ship; her Saiyan blood boiling at the thought of the potential fall of the Royal House. Could it be true? If she were to fail, could the house really fall? What could these two Saiyans possibly know that could cause such a thing? If this is the case, who is after them, and why? So many questions racing through her head as the ship flies off into the dark void of space. Some time passes before Maria arrives on the Planet. A few miles out from the co-ordinance that Citheron had given to her, Maria could see large pillars of smoke rising up from a small city. Maria brings the ship in low kicking the ship into auxiliary thrusters to help keep her presence unknown as she moves towards the outskirts of the city, which is now in ruins. The battle seemingly fresh. Maria parks the ship in what use to be a lot for travelers entering the city, which is now a large crater with bodies strewn about. Maria takes a step out of her ship, looking out at the city, Hhhmmmm... This could get interesting. she thought to herself as she notices the multiple power signatures around the city. Before trying to take a second to get a fix on the power signatures, but failing due to the ambient energy all around, Maria quickly darts across the landing port, heading into the closest building to her, Citheron said they may be in the building in the center of town.... No sense in flying strait there and letting everyone know Ive come to crash the party.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 05:43:16 +0000

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