Marlborough Councillor Stops Tabling of Report Marlborough - TopicsExpress


Marlborough Councillor Stops Tabling of Report Marlborough Councillor Charity Bango yesterday during the full council meeting rejected an earlier council resolution to approve the amendment to the Marlborough Development Plan Number 45, arguing that when the decision to table the amendment before the full council was made, she was absent. The amendment will result in the community benefiting a sporting facility, establishment of a public library and a multi-functional community hall. The amended local plan will also address the unemployment situation in the area. According to the council records, the Environment Management Committee, where Councillor Bango is the Vice Chairperson, met on 29 July 2014 in her presence and resolved that; - consideration of the matter be deferred to the next meeting (yesterdays full council) to give other councillors the opportunity to go through the Marlborough Local Development Plan Number 45 amendment. - Local councillor of the area, Charity Bango to meet with the Director of Works to discuss the amendment on 30 July 2014 before 11 am. - That the Director of Works brings to the meeting a map of Marlborough. The above three resolutions were done and adopted. However, on 2 September 2014, Councillor Bango, who had been scheduled to be part of the Environment Management Committee meeting, failed to attend. But the meeting proceeded in her absence. When the Environment Management Committee tabled its report during yesterdays full council meeting, Councillor Bango rejected the tabling of the committee resolution authorising the amendment to the Marlborough Local Development Plan Number 45. She argued that she was absent when they met so she does not understand the meaning of the word extract or addendum and she had not had not the minutes of the meeting. Efforts by fellow councillors in the same committee who attempted to explain the situation, saying it was an emergent issue and they could not be held back by the absence of the local area councillor, because everything had been resolved in her presence in previous meetings. What had only been left was for the matter to be tabled in council. Councillor Bangos selfishness will result in the delay in concluding this matter. The HRT believes that an organisation like the City of Harare should not be held at ransom by individuals who refuse to become part of a team. So far her reasons for rejecting the tabling of this noble project are unclear. The HRT hopes that her decision is informed by a decision made in consultation with the residents of Marlborough, because if she made the decision alone, residents must demand an explanation and justification, and corrective action taken.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:23:41 +0000

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