Mars now transits the House of Virgo! Victory and progress will - TopicsExpress


Mars now transits the House of Virgo! Victory and progress will bless the works of our hands, those whom we work with, our vital power, and the wealth that we create through our labors. With more earth in the ether our material circumstances will soon be improving tangibly and measurably. We will be guided to repair and build where growth is most needed as the irresistible force of Mars pioneers new directions for every soul on Earth. What is wise is that we all engage every opportunity to transform and expand our service so that it is most oriented with building Heaven on Earth. Expect the following while Mars transits Virgo: pioneering new directions with work, the identification and diagnosis of disease, natural healing and holistic lifestyle transitioning, potent increases in skill and technique, scientific applications, achievements, and discoveries, new co-workers, mentors, teachers, and counselors, enhancements to health, fitness, hygiene, and cleanliness, the maintenance and repair of the neglected, project successes, professional elevation, surges in animal rights activism, worker strikes and rebellions, enlightening shifts in the workforce, and the purifying of our temples. As I have written before the alchemical process begins in Virgo. In simple terms this means that if you wish to ascend spiritually and enjoy all the wonderful fruits of this ultimate journey you must first heal and purify your bodies. This Mars transit signals the perfect time to make powerful and lasting changes in lifestyle that will enable a future that would otherwise be impossible to create. Health is a gateway my dear readers and health is where we find crisis these days. Use the Mars energy to radically improve your health and the health of those around you. In doing so you will promote planetary ascension. There is great upheaval in the world because of Saturn’s transit and the effect it is having on our ability to work. Accept the new opportunities to change or improve upon the work that you do so that your life will advance in sync with the momentum of Mars. For some this will require courage to do work that has never been done before. If this sentence applies to you my advice is to venture boldly into new service and career paths that fulfill great social demands and that resonate with and enlightened vision of the future. Mother Nature will be offering us all many wonderful opportunities to do this so follow her lead and her Martian escort. Counsel will become very powerful in the weeks ahead whether it comes through men and women or through Spirit. Apply the good counsel that comes to you trusting that it comes at the perfect time and for perfect future purposes. New teachers and mentors will present themselves to impart knowledge, wisdom, insight, experience, and valuable skills to bolster our ability to thrive in a changing world. Pray for counsel to find you and it will because it is time in Heaven for it. Men will be the bearers of it so appreciate and respect what they offer and be sure to mind the details. Those who work in the holistic culture will enjoy extraordinary gains throughout this transit. It is Divine will that we humans live in harmony with nature and that we rely on nature for our health and healing. Therefore I advise a mass exodus into the holistic way of life which promotes optimal health and maximum spiritual evolution. In economic terms this means transitioning into natural goods and services which promote health and protect nature. Investing in the holistic economy is a wise choice for countless reasons, including, and especially, to eradicate disease, death, and create material prosperity. Watch for men to lead the ways toward healthy life and brighter days. Grow with Mars and venture forth to gain new skill and new self-worth. The work we do speaks of us, the adage true, in God we trust. So pray that He will guide your hands, to work your part in Divine plans. We should love the things we do, and it is real, I swear to you. I used to toil all through my youth and in my striving I found truth. The stars reveal our sacred path with plans precise just as with math. As cycles circle up above I wish that all find work they love. To those who seek my counsel comes to light your steps toward work you’ll love. Joyfully, Astrologer Salvador Russo The Mars in Virgo transit is active until December 7th when Mars enters Libra. Learn the secrets of your horoscope with my host of intuitive services:
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:02:54 +0000

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