Masyarakat Indonesia saat ini banyak yg tergugah hatinya utk - TopicsExpress


Masyarakat Indonesia saat ini banyak yg tergugah hatinya utk membantu rakyat Palestina.... Indonesia setelah merdeka sebetulnya jg mengalami nasib yg tak beda dg rakyat Gaza. Kehadiran sekutu yg ingin mengambil alih Indonesia dr tangan Jepang utk diserahkan kpd Belanda menimbulkan pertempuran sengit sbg akibat militansi rakyat Indonesia mempertahankan kemerdekaan RI. Jenderal Chrstison Panglima AFNEI menulis tentang pertempuran Surabaya dlm hand written memoirs : Netherland East Indies Postwar Operation, the imperial war Museum London hal 186-187: ....I issued an ultimatum drawn up by political adviser Mr Denning, calling on all armed resistance to 5 Divisions occupation of Surabaya to cease and the TKR and all irregulars to leave the city. This was ignored and 5 Division began a slow, methodicak advance. They met very strong opposition from regular trops armed and trained by Japanese and German. Snipers were everywhere in the city and the defenders were using tanks, artilery, mortars and machine guns, while our aircraft met heavy and light anti aircraft fire well directed. Our casualties were heavy and I had to call in the P47s ( Thunderbolts) and Mosquitoes as well as the whole6th Cruiser Squadron to aid the slow advance and bring down fire on enemies troops massing for couterattacks. ........Our losses werw heavy initially, but when we got our tanks ashore and were able to organise naval and air support and advance very carefully and methodically our losses were light....... .......It took another weeks before the city was entirely in our hands and the Indonesians completely defeated.... The advance continued sector by sector, street by street, house by house...........
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 03:57:48 +0000

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