Maybe this can shed a little light on why the weather is making - TopicsExpress


Maybe this can shed a little light on why the weather is making you wear the Cruel is a little long.......... There is much debate and political wrangling going on today about climate models that are presented to explain weather behavior. Many prominent scientists would say that most models are wrong, if not all, including there own. Some scientists often refrain from presenting a model at all stating that they need more of years of data collection and observation to know enough to state anything conclusively. Yet looking at what a planet is doing can be a simple as looking at a car to see what it is doing, all that is needed is understanding of how it works, not endless expensive and relatively useless data collection. The climate models we currently have, are true up to a point, still they can be thrown out with the bathwater and a model that withstands scrutiny of complete correctness may be found within this paper. The climate model of Atmospheric Radicalization or cooling system speed up may emerge as the leading climate model developed so far in accuracy. Going down the up escalator is a technique in which one can cherry pick bits and pieces of data or sentences to create a impression that ignores all the other data in the big picture. If I presented only the information that shows Wall Street stocks going down,then one could get the mistaken impression that all Wall Street does is go down. I could show it going up exclusively and it would be as wrong as the other model. This is why global warming and global cooling models viewed separately are incorrect. This is when comparing the planet to a car is a good simple example. When you drive a car, is the engine getting hotter or colder? The short answer is it is staying the same although when youre going faster the engine is working harder and therefore getting hotter which means the cooling system works faster and harder to maintain the car at a constant operating temperature. This is why the models that would project endless heating or endless cooling of the planets are wrong. Please note though however the cooling system becomes much more active when the engine is heating and slower when the engine is cooling and this activity is what drives the debate that rages today. So lets look at the cooling system of a car and a planet. When a car engine heats up, it heats the water surrounding the engine and that hot water carries the heat over to the radiator where air passing over it cools the water by absorbing the heat and then the cooled water returns to the engine. When our planet heats up, water goes from a solid known as ice, to a liquid known as water into a gas known as water vapor. This physical change of water is a endothermic process in which heat goes into the water, reverse the order of physical change and it becomes a exothermic process in which heat goes out of the water. This is how refrigerants work anyhow when the heat carrying water vapor rises high into the air up to the upper atmosphere,it gives off its feet when it changes from a gas to liquid is also cooled by the coldness of space nearby and then returns to the planet surface just like cooled waters from a cars radiator is returned to the engine. When the earth gets hotter this: system runs faster, when the earth gets cooler, this cooling system slows down. This thermodynamic system is what makes the weather happen, makes the ocean currents happen including The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and other loops, pauses and currents. It is not the other way around, heat drives all these things on Earth. Heat is the forcer. It is the thing that drives basically all weather and fluid motions on the planet Earth. Even the crust of the earth is aided by heat to flow. The crust is a plastic very slow moving fluid, that if time lapsed photographed via satellite for 100 million years, it would look like time lapsed weather satellite photography when speeded up. Again, heat drives all of these things. Everything else is a feedback. Many scientists look at ocean currents and the weather and wonder which is driving which, they are essentially wondering which feedback is driving which feedback.Error, Heat is the driver, the forcer moving them all along.Know the heat gain and you will know what is going to move where and how big and fast it will do so. A change in the Earths atmosphere of its composition by an increase of Greenhouse gases is a fact no one contests. The atmosphere is different now compared to what it was 40 years ago. But fundamental flaws in most scientists assumptions have been sources of major model errors. While everyone agrees carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, many of them would call water vapor a greenhouse gas. This is wrong because water vapors primary purpose is to act as a refrigerant. A heat carrier. Water vapor is a refrigerant that is the primary fast carrier of heat on this planet. When scientists miss this fact, their models will not be very accurate. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere at any particular time is a feedback of heat as the forcer. In other words, if heat wasnt putting water vapor into sky, it would be laying around as ice or water on the surface of the planet. You cant say this about carbon dioxide, matter-of-fact, water is the only substance that exists in quantity and all three physical states of matter on Earth. This is why it the refrigerant in the earths cooling system. It changes form within the temperature and pressure ranges naturally found on earth which allows it to give off large amounts of latent heat or absorb large amounts of latent heat when it changes form. Carbon dioxide, stays a gas, it does not change physical form.It stays gas and gases are insulative. When you take 2 oxygen atoms and hang a piece of solid carbon between them you have a gas that can absorb heat and reflect heat like a carbon wall. Two oxygen atoms with a hydrogen atom between them does not have a solid atom between them and it gives them the flexibility to be a refrigerant on earth and carry vast amount of heat. When automotive engineers go to size the radiator needed in a cars design. They can look at the BTU content of the fuel that they are going to burn in the engine and determine how much heat will need to be removed by the radiator. A planetary engineer can look how much heat a planet is going to get from its nearby heat source (star) and its internal molten core atomic engine to see how big its cooling system needs to be. Just like a automobile engine radiates heat, a planet radiates heat. The process of burning gasoline is the main activity of the automobile engine and the temperature the engine is operated at is important for best combustion conditions. A planet also needs specific temperatures of operation and this is determined by the makeup of the refrigerant found on the planet. Jupiter uses ammonia and the temperatures there are the temperatures of the physical change states of ammonia. On Earth, waters physical change state temperatures operates this planet at temperatures conducive to life.The fact that life has existed on earth for millions of years is proof that this planet has a cooling system that is capable enough to keep life going despite prehistoric massive volcanic eruptions and any mankind activities so far that may put greenhouse gases of any quantity into the sky. The only real question here is not if man or nature can affect the cooling system, but whether man do what nature has not done thus far and that is, break the Earths cooling system. It would be like breaking a steel ball with a rubber mallet, but after all the earth is mostly made of iron which makes it a steel ball, and mankind is barehanded. No mallet needed perhaps. I digress. So if all the scientists and climate modelers of the world including the esteemed former NASA scientists, would read the first chapter in the book Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning published by Goodheart Willcox, perhaps their models that they come up with in the future will include heat calculations that operate very much like the heating and cooling load calculations energy auditors and heating and air-conditioning engineers use when examining buildings for energy efficiency and their attendant heating and cooling. If you took a automotive engine and sprayed on a insulative coating on its surface it would be like adding a insulative greenhouse gas to an atmosphere of the planet. This would make the engine or planet retain heat which must be removed by the cooling system otherwise the engine or planet would burn up. Automotive engineers would put a bigger radiator on the car. Planetary engineers would have the refrigerant selected for the planet that would melt and and increase the ability tocarry more heat faster from the planets surface to the upper atmosphere and space. When large amounts of heat move water vapor, a phenomenon known as weather and storms becomes observable to mankind. One can calculate the insulative increase of the atmosphere which is known as the greenhouse effect and the amount of sunlight coming in to the planet and calculate how many BTUs must removed from the planet. This way you can calculate how big a storm is going to be just based on the amount of BTUs that are going to be removed. So when calculating the thermal budget of the earth you know that any heating of that above average is going to be countered by a cooling event above average and this is why while one hemisphere of the earth is having record hot summerheat, the other hemisphere is having record winter cold. Changes seen asfast as we are seeing them blows the geological curve. Nature tends to move much slower when it comes to change and Nature is very noticeable. We probably would not have to look very hard if it was nature driving climate change. It would be like a car designed for use in America, operating in Siberia or the Gobi desert. You would be afraid to turn the engine off or afraid of overheating. If the Sun moved1 million miles closer or 1 million miles away we would probably pick up on it. It would be obvious, and Occams razor says the simplest explanation is most often the answer. Nature is often very sophisticated in its usage of things such as refrigerants. We compress gases into liquids in our refrigerator compressors. Nature in the upper atmosphere decompresses it and cools water vapor into a liquid or solid form. If updraft of air is strong enough it can super or sub cool water below the freezing point of water so that this very cold water and air can return to earth for additional cooling beyond just carrying the heat off the planet to the upper atmosphere. Basically the hydrological cycle of water in the weather cycle is looking at one great big refrigeration loop just like you see in the refrigerator at your house. In conclusion, climate models based on basic physics and simple thermal mechanics produces a better climate model than comparing all the measurements of all these things on earth compared to everything else on earth to see what is driving what. Todays scientists, meteorologists,specialists and heating and air engineers are so specialized in the narrow range of their field that they get lost in the blizzard of information that is generated and they need to take a step back from that snowstorm of information and take in bigger, wider, simpler view that incorporates more knowledge fields to get a more accurate big picture. Drill down, not up.Using household refrigerator, and automobile and basic BTU and refrigeration estimations I have been able to entertain my Facebook friends for years by writing that there will be giant storms in the future and how big they are is as easy as calculating how much he needs to be removed from the planet and how much water vapor will be needed to do so. Atmospheric radicalization or cooling system speed up, has proved to be more accurate than the model of global warming, global cooling or global no model at all model. I have e-mailed many weather stations, politicians and scientists the atmospheric radicalization theory. Long ago I gave up the hope that this would result in a Nobel Prize in physics. And if all of the earthand sky is a fluid in motion, then so far, the increase of earthquakes in places thought to be stationary and extinct has not become commonplace.As our atmosphere continues to become more insulative, earthquakes and greater storms every year will still be something that continues to develop and size and will become commonplace enough to disrupt mankinds infrastructure on a large enough scale to reduce the number of participants in carbon emission activities to a level of relative balance once again. It is a hope that mankind achieves carbon emissions balance by nicer methodologies than the balance of nature. Where the carrot fails and where the stick fails, perhaps the carrot and stick in combination will succeed. Bibiolography; 1.)95% wrong models: wattsupwiththat/2014/02/10/95-of-climate-models-agree-the-observations-must-be-wrong/ 2.) Climate Reality 3.) Refrigerant R-718-Water Vapor: 4.) Refrigerant R-744-Cardon dioxide. 5.) reflectorize the clouds: reason/archives/2008/06/10/an-emergency-cooling-system-fo 6.) Refrigeration book contractorresource/modern-refrigeration-and-air-conditioning/? gdftrk=gdfV27686_a_7c1308_a_7c3363_a_7cAM_9781590702802&gclid=CP7rubn8g70CFQsSMwod40UAAw 7.) PDO drroyspencer/global-warming-background-articles/the-pacific-decadal-oscillation/ 8.) Refrigerator basics: 9.) Hottest January Recorded despite record cold winter in northern hemisphere
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:25:46 +0000

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