Meandering Musings Day 14. This was a day of extraordinary - TopicsExpress


Meandering Musings Day 14. This was a day of extraordinary weather. Rain and chill early, then at morning tea time, heat and dust!! Followed by 3 more similar cycles. The chill was very chill: below 10 degrees, and during my lunch time meeting we looked out of the Law Society windows on the 4th floor of John Wickliffe House and saw.... Snowflakes!!! Dancing and drifting. Ridiculous, in November!! But someone said it once snowed on Christmas Day in Dunedin, so just imagine that!!! Anything can happen in this fair city. This evening I popped into my office. It was one of the fair times in the weather, and I was taken by a glorious double rainbow (but rainbows never look good second hand, do they?).... Anyway, I quickly snapped First Church in Moray Place (the community established in 1848). I love that church - we can see it from our office and the sight is a comfort. Then in my car I rounded Moray a Place and turned up Princes Street towards the Octagon. And there was the Railway Station, standing forth, resplendent in the chill following the rain and bluster. In fact, standing in evening sunlight. From my office just before that (things change so quickly!!) I spied the clouds you can see in the next photo. What is it about clouds thats so compelling?? The ones above the city, from our balcony, and then further around, towards Signal Hill. I counted myself lucky to have captured these glowering heaps. The lunch time meeting I attended today was one of OWLS - Otago Women Lawyers Society - a Wise Owls discussion about career progression, choices, work life balance and so on. I loved it; I so appreciate peoples stories. Afterwards we posed, but unforch my pic makes everyone look a leetle elongated not to mention cut off! Ah well. I grabbed the next photo from the OWLS website. It was taken at the 20 year lunch recently held at Two Chefs to celebrate women whove been in practice for 20 years or more. You can see me on the right, next to Jess Withnall. Last pic! A bit of nature. A bit I love. This is the fragrantissima in my garden, snapped with the house next door in the background. Frankly, it makes me happy! (This is the advantage of age: small, natural phenomena can fill the heart with joy. ) 😊
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:11:19 +0000

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