Memories of an old sailor who has…been there…seen it…done it - TopicsExpress


Memories of an old sailor who has…been there…seen it…done it When I left the Royal Navy so many years ago I forget, it was time to bid farewell to living in messes the size of a broom cupboards, two days on one wave, Duty Frees, Rum, mates you had and those you lost. Officers that had no idea and those that were brilliant. Ships that were happy, ships that were just happy and crabby and those that were just s**t. Divisions, taking orders, stoppage of leave, short weekends, long weekends and NOW, WRNS that go to sea…at last we do have a real ships bike and not the old “red devil” with dodgy breaks and erratic steering...Happy days....thanks for the memories Robby...I owe you sippers or at least half a tot!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:10:21 +0000

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