Merry Christmas all! Let’s start with this simple fact: - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas all! Let’s start with this simple fact: Anyone who chooses to can now go to my site, WeatherWar101, download the PDF of the 1971 Zion Nuclear Power Plant Study on the Effects of Cooling Towers on the Atmosphere and Weather, and verify and validate every single weather impact I have detailed in 135 geoengineering videos. The only difference is that the study at Zion was considering the possibility of two cooling towers at one power plant. I’m talking about the reality of 62,500 power plants worldwide, many of which have enormous tower and WSAC farms that could only have one conceivable purpose. weatherwar101/index.php/geoengineering/effect-of-cooling-towers If you cannot read, or you refuse to read, or you refuse to acknowledge what you have read, then do not speak on this subject to attempt to deny the reality – of any of it. Water is Wet, the Earth is round, and 62,500 Power Plants with anywhere from 2 to 240 Tower / WSAC Blower facilities evaporating anywhere from 18,000 gal/min to 700,000 gal/min adds trillions of gallons of Water Vapor to the atmosphere and God knows how much heat, and has for the last 50 years. End of discussion. To deny any of this reality while ignoring all of the facts and basic cloud dynamics, is to #Self #Identify as #Psyop #Disinformation operative. To try to insult and demean me while denying reality and ignoring all of the facts, is to #Self #Identify as #Psyop #Terrorist . Chiming in from nowhere to try to insult and demean me while denying reality and ignoring all of the facts, from a blank account with no identity, no picture, no videos, no activity, and no subscribers, is to #Self #Identify as #Psyop #Terrorist operating a #Disposable #Sock account. These are simple realities, just like “Water is Wet” is, and anyone self-identifying and putting themselves in any of these categories, will be publically documented in a soon-to-come subsection of my website Psyops section. To my “mentally challenged” viewers, take note. This, is precisely how all truth and social movements have been coopted in social media and cyberspace, and exactly how you all have been badgered and bullied into silenced. Given the voluminous encounters I have had and publically documented in writing and video, it isn’t remotely possible that every single individual reading this message, hasn’t personally encountered them as well. Type a sentence on any social media platform with any keyword of value, and they are guaranteed to show up in droves. As my “mentally challenged” viewers know, it’s the reason I meticulously document and illustrate this methodology like I document and illustrate geoengineering methodology. You are encountering this methodology on constant basis whether you are consciously aware of it or not. Most likely however, you are quite well aware of it. Thus I illustrate this reality and am developing the accompanying section on my site, so my “mentally challenged” viewers will understand the psychological tactics being used on them from every conceivable angle – to keep them in fear, feeling stupid, and feeling powerless. The first thing I tell all team members and viewers is to remember: it isn’t personal, it’s scripted tactical language from an avatar sock. There’s nothing real about it. The only reality it has, it that which you assign to it. Case in point. My long time “mentally challenged” viewers know the Psyop Sock Vgames89, very well. For almost two years, this parasitic useful idiot trolled this work, and interjected obnoxious, demeaning, insulting and dismissive comments at every opportunity from multiple accounts – just as he was assigned to do. I’m quite sure this expendable is responsible for the ubiquitous “1 thumbs down” I get on almost every video I produce. If he was smart, he would take his petty spite somewhere else… but he’s certainly never given any indication of being smart. As an example of the tactical scripted comments I would regularly get from this expendable, here are a couple of his first. Vgames89: 02-15-13 “Ya I’m sure this storm was manufactured. Stop feeding the public bullshit. The only people who believe this are those who don’t know anything about weather and your definitely taking advantage of that. Wake up and actually look at the science and you’ll see that this is all bullshit.” Vgames89: 02-15-13 “Jesus Christ. I’ve seen a few of your videos. You think everything is a conspiracy. Shows exactly what kind of person you are. It’s not impossible for tornados to strike NYC. Do you even know anything about the way the atmosphere works?” A few months ago, after a long time silence, this expendable useful idiot followed about a dozen well-documented psyop progressions, and commented from his actual identity… out of the clear blue sky. He commented from a twitter account with his actual face, and actual name: Corey Maller. This twitter account, up until these comments, was literally nothing but a couple of years’ worth of scarce and meaningless local forecast tweets. No other conversation of any kind in his stream, until he had the following to say – to me: Corey Mailer @CDmaller Sep 28 @WeatherWar101 What makes u think u have the God given right to judge people u don’t know. What make u so special? Corey Mailer @CDmalIer Sep 28 @WeatherWar101 Not to mention ur videos show that u know nothing about the atmosphere. Where did u learn meteorology? Corey Mailer @CDmalIer- Oct 1 @WeatherWarl 01 @OpChemtrails @P0 1 YNONYMOU55 frogetteca @VibeVal I think u envy Dane’s popularity which is why u bash him Corey Mailer @CDmailer Oct 1 @WeatherWarl 01 @OpChemtrails @P0 1 YNONYMOU55 ©frogetteca @VibeVai This whole psyop rant of yours it what draws people away from your channel 30 seconds of research revealed his YouTube channel, which low and behold was the original Vgames89 account, on which he now identifies himself “Hi everybody, this is Corey.” 30 seconds more research, revealed all of his identity particulars. So, to make a long story short, this continuous source of psyops assault, disinformation, and obstruction, turned out to be a stuttering dullard trying to give lousy guitar lessons on YouTube. A better example of “useful idiot,” cannot be found. He’s the poster child. This expendable wouldn’t be smart enough to formulate a sentence to challenge me on any topic, much less be able to speak it. Yet for almost two years, he continuously insulted and attacked the only actual teacher of geoengineering reality in cyberspace. The only possible reason for this expendable to venture into my dimension, is because someone gave him a job to do… and walked him into it. Don’t bother to look for his twitter account of course. The moment I identified him – and told him so – he immediately deleted his account. That of course, is also Standard Operating Procedure, and Rule 25 of the Rules of Disinformation: “Vanish – If you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.” weatherwar101/index.php/psyops/psyops-101/25-ways-to-suppress-truth-the-rules-of-disinformation However, that’s why it is also Standard Operating Procedure for me to collect all of the data – before I speak. Considering how many times I have announced this fact, I can’t imagine why he thought it would help. I have all of the data, and it’s all going in the psyop section as well. Whatever joy or compensation he got from obstructing this work on the most serious topic on the planet for two years, I hope it was worth the example he’s made of himself. My point is, it’s not difficult to see how the scientific community has been silenced and coopted over the last 50 years – like everything else… is it. The 25 Rules of Disinformation are very specific, very formulaic, and very effective. It’s the reason why they are practically the first article on my website. Everyone must become intimately familiar with how tactical denial and psychological attack is used against them every day - exponentially more now (since this society is sucked into the fabricated construct that is “social media”), than even just a few year ago. This, is the herding of sheep. This, is how it is done. This is how a simple reality such as hundreds of thousands of gallons of water vapor a minute being evaporated into the atmosphere having a direct effect on cloud formation and rain – has been suppressed from common sense and public knowledge – for 50 years. This, is how all realities are coopted and suppressed. The fact that I am the only one in position to defend this simple fact – in 50 years – illustrates just how effective it is. However, unlike psyop expendable useful idiot Corey Maller, aka Vgames89, aka David Alper, etc., I am not an avatar. The entity behind this work and these words, is exactly the kind of entity you would expect to be behind it. Go ahead… ask any team member, if I am – what I am. It may have been 50 years since anyone has been in position to defend the reality that Water is Wet (although I’m sure many have tried), but as I say frequently and as should be clear to all sides by now – I am specifically designed for just such a thing, on more dimensions than anyone can conceive. Know for a fact… my mission – is my mission. My question to my “mentally challenged” viewers then is, are you ready to stop taking it yet? The entire Global Warming Generation has been psychologically terrorized out of defending the truth or any opportunities to change this disastrous course for the planet – for 50 years, and the Geoengineering Frankenstein Monster we live in that is killing off the trees, insects, fish, birds, animals, and us continues to exponentially evolve… without any kind of public knowledge or consent. Is it 1984 for you yet? Are you going to let them tell you Water isn’t Wet, just because they say so? Are you going to let them continue to call you stupid, if you don’t accept that Water isn’t Wet? They call you stupid either way… don’t they. They call you stupid, because you allow it. Everyone better know by now however, what I’m going to do… and how effectively I’m going to do it. No one on this dimension or any other, gets to call me stupid… and certainly not any avatars. I’ve given everyone plenty of time – to #Identify themselves. Now it will all be documented. Once again I suggest all of my “mentally challenged” viewers, join the WW101 Team, and start standing up for yourselves and the reality of the planet you live on. The imaginary HAARP Report (in the comment example I used in this video) is “talking” to one blank account with a total of 8 subscribers, and two blank accounts with 0 subscribers each. These “people” – are not real. They are avatars. They are multiple socks, on the same pecker. Yet, they have these fabricated conversations among the same five fingers, and call the smartest and most well educated geoengineering viewers on this planet “stupid”… and the smartest and most well educated geoengineering viewers on this planet, take it. How can that possibly be? The smartest and most well educated geoengineering viewers on this planet, should be handing these avatars their asses – just as I do. In fact, it is precisely why I have created the arsenal of videos that I have. There isn’t an avatar argument that can’t be destroyed by one of my videos, used by one of my knowledgeable and confident viewers. That is the reality that these psychological terrorists should be being confronted with, and that is what should be all over this Dane Wigington’s sponsored from nowhere “HAARP Report” videos and Dane Wigington’s sites… not their fabricated conversations between their avatars. I strongly suggest everyone spend time in the Psyop 101 section of my site (particularly “Manufactured Realities” to start with), and learn how to see through these “simulated social media populations.” So to all of my genuine viewers, who are obviously as far away from mentally challenged as is conceivably possible, I once again urge you to contribute to this ongoing and singularly unique - genuine people supported work, I urge you buy, read, and fully absorb my $5 eBook “No Natural Weather,” and I urge you to join this team and help fight for and educate the population on a reality – that is 50 years overdue. As I look out the window at the glops of manufactured rain falling from the sky this Christmas Eve, I couldn’t be any more certain – I am doing exactly what I am designed to do on this planet. I dearly hope, you will join me. Merry Christmas, to all… - WW101
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 14:31:55 +0000

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