Message of Our Lady – Mary Full of Grace The Advent of New Word - TopicsExpress


Message of Our Lady – Mary Full of Grace The Advent of New Word – Words of Our Lady The Last Time of Preparation for the Purification of Mankind January 4, 2014 – 1st Saturday Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit. United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world. My little children, today I come to your help bringing from Heaven a stronger message. I thank you for this moment when are waiting for My daughter to arrive since is difficult now much more your arraignment to our encounters. I am happy because everything was nice and I am happy too for you all that come to pray in front of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit. Let’s to thank God for the Angels and Saints that also came to pray with us. Today, a special day for the souls in Purgatory, many of them received permission from God to leave the Purgatory, because are free of debts that did in life, but they thank you for the prayers that you have done for them and are ready to enter in Heaven. Continue praying form them that are there yet and for those who pass away and did not prepare, for not need to pass through Purgatory. If you knew how sad is to be in Purgatory paying debts done on earth, you wouldn’t neglect your souls. How many in the world are leaving the flesh to talk louder, not renouncing to anything and each day attaching more to sin. My children, the Holy Word of God leads you today to meditate about the delay that many children, the most part of mankind, is having to respond ‘yes’ to God. There is not much time, you just begun this year of many sufferings for the world, and yet, you do not worry in how to begin to walk in this year. This is the year that you will go up to your Calvary, it will be very difficult because should have to face the big tempests. Spiritual tempest, natural tempest and tempests of illnesses, hunger, thirst, bloody wars. I ask you, What is a war? In truth I say, a war is when a part wants to dominate the other, wants to be ahead, wants to be recognize as the greater, the wisest, most powerful. But, all nations together, with all powers that have with all wisdom, will all domain, cannot endure when God lifts up just one finger against them all together. The breath of God destroys the universe if He wants to finish with everything. But, He doesn’t want, He wants to Save mankind, He saves, because He is the Almighty. You know that the world is agonizing, but is not going to die, because God is life and the world came out from God is part of God. But, what is rotten will be burn in the fire of Hell. I am in the world to remind you that all what is burned in the fire of Hell it will be because are useless things and are souls that despised the Grace of life. They are souls that offended to God and did not repent with mindfulness, they lived mocking of the Creator as many scientists that made of this world a laboratory to experiment trying to show God that they also can create human beings that can create animals and even terrible monsters. These will have no Peace. God calls humble children, who do not defy Him, are meek and humble of heart, are simple that like to receive the Love of the Father, they know that happiness only exists in God and who believes in this Love fights for it. God calls slowly, if you are capable to renounce from material things and to live in simplicity. He wants to see that everybody prays the most beautiful prayer that is Our Father and that together pray the Hail Mary, the Glory. He said to you too every day: “Here is the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.” You are the world, come everybody to Him for your sins to be deleted from your lives. If you are able to leave everything for God, to leave the sin, if you leave the sin you will be free, you will know to value your life. This is what I come to reveal in this message for your conversion. Pray, pray, pray for the two Holy Fathers the Popes, Benedict XVI and Francis, for all Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind. Pray for atheists and pagans, especially for the scientists that are offending much to God. The science of God is Love and the human science is the one which is divided in two, the one who fights for the life and the other who wants to destroy mankind doing offenses to God. Pray for the conversion of these persons happen. Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, in this hour so serious for the world, all Christians need to have time to take care of the souls, confess, participate in Holy Mass, practice charity, have faith, have hope, and not to desist no matter how worse events are. Is hour to walk in direction to the Father’s House, the good son doesn’t forget that the Father has a special place reserved for him when he departs from this world earth, to Heaven. Help to the Holy Fathers the Popes, praying with them for everybody return to the True Church of Jesus Christ. I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love. Brazilians, stay attentive to the tempests that are coming, prepare candles and lights them in their hours, the heavy rains. This is the time of catastrophes in the entire world. All nations do the same always, I hope that each son keeps in the hearts the Advices God sent. You are not inert beings, you are children that bring inside you the Blood of Lamb, the Mercy that He poured on the Cross for you. I thank the presence of everybody and wait for you if is possible, you must not face the tempests, you can pray at home aware that God is with you at any place and I pray with you too because our unity is made by the Power of God, He reunite us wherever He wants. Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, Mary, the Immaculate Conception. In surgeries I am always present, I can be an instrument without anyone knowing I am present. Life is love, God gives and cares. You should meditate on the Holy Gospel today: Jo. 1: 35 – 42. at 10:53 AM January 1, 2014 Message of Our Lady – Mary Full of Grace The Advent of New Word – Words of Our Lady The Last Time of Preparation for the Purification of Mankind January 1, 2014 Feast dedicated to Our Lady, the Holy Mother of God Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit. United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world. My children, the Holy Church dedicates to Me in this day, and I invite you to meditate with Me about what happened in that time of birth of My Divine Son Jesus Christ. Then, praying in front of Him present in your hearts. He is happy with your tributes, with your mangers in your homes, reviving days after His Birth. He is the King of kings, the King of universe, born in that manger in Bethlehem and there came to visit Him the Angels singing “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to the men loved by Him.” He governs with true justice, He is happy with all Christians that accepted Me as Mother and today commemorate this day and give thanks to Him, God, for giving Me, you as sons. I love you much. Was in that day that Salvation came to the world, the day of the Savior’s Birth. The Angels visited Him and shepherds that were around with their animals, were announced by Angels and they went to visit the Little Baby God and went for all places announcing what had happened. The Holy Word of God leads you today to meditate about those days that we stayed in the manger where Jesus Christ born. How difficult was for us those days there, but this was the Will of the Father. He chose there for the Messiah to be born and so it had to be. So My children, is that happens the Will of God Father and God Holy Spirit and God the Son, these Three are just one, one Power and all what happen in the world, is subjected to Their Will, so what is good comes from Him and never ends, what is not good ends. The sin is from evil, is destruction, is necessary to be defeated. Here I am to help you, time that remains is too short, hurry up in your conversion. Offer to God your lives, for not losing them. You are beginning a new year, you do not know what is coming day by day for you, only God knows what is going to happen. He is warning you, prepare. Do what He commands to do, is not impossible to get your improvement. With prayers you can soften your sufferings. If you have faith will overcome. Everything is possible, you should trust, so you will get. Everybody needs help, you should not discourage. The hour is severe, many persons are running the risk to be in dangerous places. You will be deprived of material goods you have because catastrophes, will happen. In this time as of today the first day of week, begins the battle of detachment, from material things. This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion. My children, detach from all that is material to diminish your sufferings. Pray, pray, pray for the two Holy Fathers the Popes, Benedict XVI and Francis, for all the Clergy, for religious men and women, for all mankind. Pray for atheists and pagans, let’s together to seek help for all them, in God, if the world prays good things happen and the number of unbelievers is greater than those who fear God, those who believe in Him, although few but with God is much. We will overcome. Mother and sons will overcome because God overcomes for us. One day will happen that unbelievers will get converted and will come to complete our family. Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, let’s together united, one heart, praying to be no despair in the world. God does not deceive anyone, all what He reveals is for you to procure calm your hearts that you will have all protection during the time of Message from January 1, 2014 continued changes in the world. I am here since long time ago bringing messages to help you, not to scare you. Frightened you will be, as if you were not warned. Great and terrible events are coming soon. Who pays attention is prepared with patience, to overcome fear. But, as you do nothing of this, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Help the Holy Fathers the Popes with prayers so that there is more unity inside the Church, that fraternity be inside all of you, that the distant sheep get to understand that are being called and that they return to the Holy Church soon. I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love. Brazilians, this year will be of many dangerous rains and spiritual and material tempests for you. But, you are a catholic nation, not only the Catholics, but all Brazilians need help. I want that these advices that I give enter in your hearts. God wants your unity, be good My children, be brothers, even if religious division continues existing. Only God will correct this error in you, the division. Falsities will fall and everybody will unite, everybody converted. God wants that your unity, must be now to overcome. All the nations, listen this advice, is for everybody, God wants everybody together on earth, and to Heaven you will arrive. Who does not love here, will not arrive there to the Paternal House, the Heaven. Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Mary, the Immaculate Conception. You should meditate on the Holy Gospel today: Lk. 2: 16 – 21 at 10:42 AM Older Posts Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I encourage you to divulgate these messages always. Please feel free to put them in chronological order. I have been trying to do this but as the messages are received, I start with translations immediately and post them as soon as I finish, that’s why you can find messages not in orderly fashion because in several occasions I receive messages from previous date when I have already posted later dates. So please, feel free to organize them and divulgate them as more as you can. Thanks for your help. God bless you always. Our Ladys and Our Lords messages - index December 12, 2009 December 8, 2009 November 30, 2009 November 28, 2009 November 27, 2009 November 21, 2009 November 19, 2009 July 17, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 5, 2009 July 4, 2009 June 29, 2009 June 28, 2009 June 23, 2009 June 20, 2009 June 19, 2009 June 11, 2009 May 24, 2009 May 19, 2009 May 16, 2009 May 13, 2009 May 10 May 9 May 6 May 3 May 2 April 27 April 26 April 19 April 18 April 17 April 5 April 4 March 29 March 27 March 25 March 22 March 21 March 19 March 17 February 28 February 25 February 22 February 19 February 17 February 15 February 9 February 8 February 1 January 27 January 19 January 18 January 11 January 10 January 8 January 7 January 4 January 3 2008 December 28 December 27 December 25 December 21 November 30 November 23 November 19 November 16, November 10, November 9, November 8, November 2, November 1, October 27, October 26, October 19, October 12, October 11, October 5, September 30, September 26, September 21, August 19, August 17, August 15, July 26, In Portuguese - 2008 October 27, Sept 15 Aug 19, Aug 17, Aug 15, July 26 July 20, July 19, July 13, July 5, June 29 June 25, June 22, June 19, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Prayer to Stop the War (as given to Darly in a recent message) O Jesus Sacramented in all the tabernacles of the world, pour over the world Your Mercy. Have mercy on all the innocent who are suffering from wars. We ask you Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit upon us and grant us the forgiveness. May your Holy Name be pronounced strong by all the Priests of the world, to overthrow the powerful from their thrones and exalt the humble. Come Holy Spirit, purify the humanity and sanctify it. Amen. (Pray 7 Our Father, 7 Hail Mary and 7 Glory be) Subscribe To Posts All Comments Blog Archive ▼ 2014 (21) ▼ April (2) January 4, 2014 January 1, 2014 ► March (7) ► February (10) ► January (2) ► 2013 (81) ► 2012 (55) ► 2011 (32) ► 2010 (6) ► 2009 (67) ► 2008 (29)
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 09:54:47 +0000

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