Methods of The propaganda war over the Gaza crisis The Israel - TopicsExpress


Methods of The propaganda war over the Gaza crisis The Israel Citizens Information Council (ICIC) says its purpose is to assist efforts to explain Israeli life from the vantage point of the average Israeli citizen. Towards that end, the ICIC enlists Israelis from all walks of life to participate in its various projects ... One of our major activities is the production of special Powerpoint presentations which we post on our website. These presentations review specific aspects and issues related to Israel and the Middle East.[35] Some hasbara experts study methods used by Palestinian activists and offer advice on how to respond. Describing demonstrators as youths, for example, creates a different impression from calling them children. They draw attention to the subtle differences of meaning between words such as demonstration and riot, terror organization and Palestinian political organization. They advise against name calling and point scoring.[36] Edward Said wrote that hasbara methods used during the Second Intifada included lunches and free trips for influential journalists; seminars for Jewish university students; invitations to congressmen; pamphlets and donation of money for election campaigns; telling photographers and writers what to photograph or write about; lecture and concert tours by prominent Israelis; frequent references to the Holocaust; advertisements in the newspapers attacking Arabs and praising Israel.[37]
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:17:08 +0000

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