Micks Movie News And Reviews Week 1 Due to demand and the - TopicsExpress


Micks Movie News And Reviews Week 1 Due to demand and the sheer amount of feature films i watch i decided to start a review and movie news piece every Sunday. Ok well it was a slow week i only got to watch a few films this week but here they are. 1, Bad Grandpa It was a great watch to say the least.The way it was written directed and the overall feel was great.Johnny Knoxville the cheekiness he brought to the film was amazing it was like watching a grown up Dennis The Menace.It had some great jokes not the same recycled garbage that allot of films today copy.The underlying story was also good and it made you want to hug Grandpa at the end.The penguin part cut into me and i was in stitches. Well worth the 10 bucks to watch and something to add to the dvd collection. My review 7 out of 10. 2, The Hobbit An Unexpected Adventure Ok i was hesitant to watch this one as i felt there was no more story to be told or anything that could bring a feel to the silver screen like Lord of the rings.But i was wrong.It was very well written i actually think it was better written than the second lord of the rings.It was very simple it was giving you time and allot of info so you really feel for the new characters and want them to succeed.The Dwarfs in the movie are gold they are funny tough and can eat like no one before them.The way that it was not over dramatic and obtained one single goal was also refreshing.I am looking forward to the second and plan to see tomorrow.The CGI and smoothness of the computer characters was also brilliant.One worth watching and will make you want to watch Lord of the rings Again. My Review 7 out of 10. 3, Anchorman 2 This one was a gamble to say the least....But one that paid off It was funny i mean i actually had a hard time hearing parts due to the laughter in the cinema.Yes they did use allot of same jokes but that is why we loved anchorman and found it so amusing why mess with a working recipe.Brick was my fave in this one i was glad to see that he actually had some sub plot in this one and was great to see more of him on screen.Champ felt worn out to be honest he didnt really need to be there neither did Brian but i am glad they were.The jokes were great same sense of comedy but with some new in there as well.The Cameos were amazing too Jim Carey was my fave.God he is good even as a Canadian EH.It closed the story so i hope that is the end as there is no need for more.Good relaxed movie only thing i could fault is that it should have been shorter would have made it better as some parts did not need to be in it. My Review 6 out of 10. 4, Grown Ups 2 Why Why Why Why.....Adam Sandler is a great and funny man but this is the first time i have wanted to punch him and take my money back.This movie had no plot no sub plot,I find it hard to call a movie it was basically him and his friends using studio funds to make a really shitty comedy show full of fart jokes and piss humor.I mean it was a recycled name just trying to make money from the good name and reviews of the first.One to steer clear off i am a huge Sandler fan but wont be re-watching this ever again. Jack and Jill was even better than this.It was just shocking from the first joke of a deer pissing on him the the burp fart sneeze combo at the end. My review 3 out of 10 5, Terminator Salvation Now i know this is an older one but i owed it to the franchise to re watch with out the kids around.I am a bit on the fence about this one i felt as tho Christian Bale was not the right guy for this part.Not just because i kept reminiscing about his big tantrum on set.It was a good concept overall and i loved Sam Worthingtons Character.The over all film was okay the plot and the previous storys mashed together well.However there were too many different types of Terminators and the fake Arnie pissed me off.It was a good way to keep the franchise alive but not much else lets hope the next one is better. My review 5 out of 10 Now some movie news. Principal shooting has finished on Transformers 4 the trailer and first footage is set to premier at the Superbowl in just under 2 weeks.And yes there will be Dino bots in this next installment.Mark Whalberg has gone on to say this movie is a lone standing movie and is not a continuation of the previous movies.I have high hopes for this one and am interested in the new franchise without the growing craziness of Shia Le Bouf. Jurrasic world finally has a plot it has been this is rumored but it going to take place in a fully operational version of a Dino theme park i mean what could go wrong right.They are taking time and not rushing this one which is good and who doesnt want to see a T-rex in 3d. TheThe first trailer for Dawn of the planet of the apes is out,,,It looks awesome i cant wait for this one.I also got my hands on some footage from Devils Due i have seen about 15 mins of this and it looks very well done a certain feel and eeriness to it like the first time you watched the Exorcist so keep an eye out for this one.I will be putting up allot more reviews next week and also a recap of the best and worst of 2013. Thanks for reading.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 10:13:55 +0000

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