Money, Land, Power, or Islamic Religion? By Shlomo Phillips © - TopicsExpress


Money, Land, Power, or Islamic Religion? By Shlomo Phillips © September 27, 2014 During a discussion at the synagogue I attend today, it was stated by a respected and learned friend that all conflicts go back to land and money, and not to religion. Religion is always just an excuse, he posited. Another person opined that groups like the Islamic Caliphate and Hamas are surely being treated unfairly in the media. They cant really be THAT bad... beheading people? please... (Never mind that a jihadi Muslim just beheaded a woman in Oklahoma City, USA yesterday and several people have been beheaded in the UK by Muslims recently). This opinion was stated after a respected visiting Israeli spoke in the service yesterday about a soldier he personally knows who entered one of the terror tunnels and was attacked by a Hamas terrorist literally holding a crying baby in one arm and a weapon in the other! But, Muslims dont really use human shields... We were discussing Gaza as an aside from a discussion of the rules governing the Shmita (i.e. the Sabbatical year which is again just beginning in 5775: 2014) in which HaShem assures us that if we faithfully observe the seven year Shmita cycle and His Torah that five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword (Leviticus 26:8). Islamic taqiyya (i.e. Sharia prescribed deception) is warping our perceptions of reality! Israel has the authority of HaShem to protect and cleanse the land of this false teaching and threat, but is seemingly so concerned about world opinion if we do what is needed that we are not obeying the commands of HaShem. As a result attacks are again taking place in Jerusalem and throughout the country. As a result of image concerns or perhaps a lack of emuna (active faith), Israel and the world are not benefiting from the good that HaShem has in store for us all. Jews are called to be a blessing to the world entire (Genesis 12:3) but this requires the emuna (active faith) to do what is needed and frankly that seems to be lacking right now. The Religion of Islam: Please continue reading this study at: allfaith/moshiach/wakeup.html And PLEASE like this and the attached page. Thank you! As always, your comments, questions and/or corrections are invited.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 08:10:01 +0000

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