More Alive. Greetings from Route 2 in Rhode Island, at the DD - TopicsExpress


More Alive. Greetings from Route 2 in Rhode Island, at the DD near the Yawgoo Valley! Im gonna change the blog to being about the people I meet. Ive met 7 people in the last 48 hours or so (pictures and conversations). I felt that our meetings were not random. They had a real purpose them. I went through a great personal transformation here in Rhode Island. The state is gorgeous. The people are the most friendly that I have met so far on this journey. I mentioned that I have a mission. I did not completely understand what it was myself at first. Now it is solidifying. Im here (in *America* literally) to present its REAL everyday people--at least the ones I meet. To tell you all and it seems many others soon, just a little bit about them. If I meet at least one person just about every day (and there are likely to be many more than that) Im going to fill that blog (iwallk.blogspot) to overflowing with True stories about America. This isnt the press. This isnt the underground press. This is the Street Press. No story will be fictional. No event will be spun. You will see what I see as best as I can show you. That is the Mission Statement. I feel driven to this with (now I Know) in anticipation of someone much greater who will tie it all together. But that isnt important right now. Right now is for the fun and adventure of it all. I am struggling (as you have seen) but I am overcoming the problems that I face. Primarily that has to do with your love and moral support. Those of you who have contributed money are investors (on the ground floor as it were). I aim to use your generosity to attempt to make this country the United Neighborhood of America. And when the time comes - and it wont be immediate - this New Person will turn our Neighborhood into a Family. These are my very deep *feelings*. They are not some prophecy or revelation, blah, blah, blah... I know they are true--they are more than a belief for me. But you dont have to believe it. Let us simply watch how things develop. OK? Many will say this is about delusions of grandeur and ego. It is not. All I can do is tell you that. Thankfully, you will be able to decide for yourselves as this all develops. And if the (potentially) greatest nation on earth can find a Unity within our incredible and wonderful Diversity, then there is hope that whole planet can do the same thing. Ive learned how to break free from the game. I am NOT suggesting that anyone else do it too, or anything that I do for that matter. I would be thrilled if others did, but it is not practical. Instead, Im coming to you--through this blog and through the eyes and lives of the people I meet. Maybe it can also be you. I cant promise to divert much from what I have planned at this time, but I will give a general idea of where I am, and if we can meet up that would be great! My physical issues with the feet and the weight of the pack are lessening every day with improvements to my equipment and the discarding of what I dont need. I can envision a very streamlined set-up now, light, comfortable and efficient. Believe me! Ive had plenty of time to work it out. :-) Over time, I plan to get a very nice stereo HD digital camera, solar chargers, a tiny laptop for typing and posting. Im going to continue (and would love your help, if you feel up to it or know any people with deep corporate pockets) to try to obtain commercial funding and sponsors. No, Im not going to sell out. That is a Promise. But for companies that I frequently use and treat me well as a customer I am going to talk about them very kindly. And if this all grows like I think it will, that could be worth something to them. The above is what Im doing. I warmly welcome people to support me, but I will not tolerate mocking, misrepresentation and public ridicule about it. If you dont like the project please keep it to yourself or you will be unfriended and blocked--both of which are reversible if we can get to understand each other better. But for now what I am embarking upon is simply too important to ME to risk on getting into public debates about why Im doing it or how Im doing it. I feel I am being led from within. Whether it is by my own mind (says the atheist) or by God (says the non-atheist), it is meant to be for the good of other people, while keeping me materially able to do it. It will be my job. I am happy for the first time in so long I cant remember. I plan to share this happiness. And if it makes you happy I hope you will share it in your own way. It is time to wear our souls on the outside. :-D Love to All [The blog entries 1-3 have been ways of feeling out what to write and there may be a few more numbered in the next week. But the real start of the blogging part of project will come after I arrive at my friend Carl Marsdens house in Connecticut. I cant promise when I will arrive there but it should be within about four days. Tomorrow (Friday) Iwallk down Route 2 south to the coast at Charlestown, RI., then I will turn west and walk toward CT along the coast on Route 1. Soon I face my first snow. But have faith in me folks. I finally do.]
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:42:35 +0000

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