More Wisdom from Wisdom Literature All counsellors praise the - TopicsExpress


More Wisdom from Wisdom Literature All counsellors praise the counsel they give, but some give counsel in their own interest. Be wary of a counsellor, and learn first what is his interest, for he will take thought for himself. He may cast the lot against you and tell you, ‘Your way is good’, and then stand aside to see what happens to you. Do not consult one who regards you with suspicion; hide your intentions from those who are jealous of you. Do not consult with a woman about her rival or with a coward about war, with a merchant about business or with a buyer about selling, with a miser about generosity* or with the merciless about kindness, with an idler about any work or with a seasonal labourer about completing his work, with a lazy servant about a big task— pay no attention to any advice they give. But associate with a godly person whom you know to be a keeper of the commandments, who is like-minded with yourself, and who will grieve with you if you fail. And heed* the counsel of your own heart, for no one is more faithful to you than it is. For our own mind sometimes keeps us better informed than seven sentinels sitting high on a watch-tower. But above all pray to the Most High that he may direct your way in truth. (Sirach 36:7-15, NRSV)
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:31:09 +0000

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