Morning everyone. I planned on writing a few words on this issue - TopicsExpress


Morning everyone. I planned on writing a few words on this issue but I have a feeling (I know) this is going to end up being a long post-- so grab your coffee, have a seat and after you read this I am sure I will hear many comments-- respectable and dis respectable but I have to say what I have to say. As an Administrator of this group since the day it started I truly need to state the facts here. There was a reason Kathy started this group and I am sure you all know the story behind that, so no need to be repetitive and write about that again. What I do need to say is this--- When this group started I was so proud to be a part of what we referred to as Our Family The disappointment I have is what has happened to Our Family? I guess the appropriate way to say it is our group is no longer the close , compassionate group we once knew and loved. People being proud of our country and those who served and continue serving. The pride we showed does not need to be proven by numbers , it doesnt matter how many people are in this group its the pride that Ill take over the numbers ! -- When we had 10 people in this group it was such a loving amazing group. I am not saying we cant have 100 people in our group and it be just as wonderful and loving but that doesnt seem to be the case here. I especially loved being educated from those who have served or are serving or have relatives (Children) serving at this time. It was a group that stayed together and prayed together. Proud Americans showing pride!!! Yes, there are some wonderful posts but those posts seem to be coming from the select few people who started out with the group when we had a handful of people. But at the same so many of the wonderful posts have stopped and have been replaced by posts of negativity-- examples I will list-- people saying they dont sweat shit since they have enough ammo to take care of things... Reality check people we are at war and we need our Military more than anything right now. I have been paying close attention and I have noticed our strong Military people have actually stopped posting. As I said, yes there are still many great posts but at the same time the posts people write to gain the shock value from others is what is disturbing... Along with the fact I am sure we all agree to disagree on one issue-- Obama is not well liked nor respected (I am not a fan of his at all) but the fact remains its the office of the leader of our Country that needs our respect and like it our not he is the leader of our Country and respect does not come from curse words to describe him, yes be honest on what we believe -- why we dont like what he is doing-- what we dont agree with him about-- etc sure write about that----.. but do we need to elaborate on issues with horrific curse words ? Bottom line if we like it or not, he is still our leader. Each morning I would look forward to Mike OBriens daily thoughts - every morning was a new and positive post-- of which are no longer being posted. There are a few people in here that want to share things with the group but cannot since anything an everything we post in our private group is not private-- thousands of people see every thing we post-- our posts not only post in here but they also post in the FB news feed-- every mutual friend of every one in here PLUS their friends and their mutual friends are seeing every post. This was brought to my attention a few weeks ago, and I asked that the groups posting be marked as private---- I do NOT mean the group its self-- just the postings... the group is still open and available for people to ask to join , but actually they dont even need to join to read what we post, anyone and everyone can read our groups posts the way it is set. If it was set on closed- they are still able to see what our group is all about but they are unable to read our posts unless they are part of this group, if they are as interested and concerned about our Military as we are then they will ask to join our group. A few people have messaged me in the last week with similar concerns but the best comment someone said to me was --- Sharon, I apologize but the group has become somewhat degraded , In order for this group to be successful, it truly needs to go back to BASICS----If it doesnt we are going to lose all the good people we started out with. I have to say I agree with this person 110%...--- Im very sorry if this offended anyone but I had to get this out, because this is what a close family does. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 12:43:06 +0000

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