Morning starting at 3:45 am for me today. Much on my mind, I have - TopicsExpress


Morning starting at 3:45 am for me today. Much on my mind, I have several critical cat and kittens I am caring for right now and new dogs pulled from risk at overflowing shelters. Some so traumatized from their previous lives they are serious bite risks to handle. The new kennel floor still needs be completely cleaned and sealed so we can start setting up night night cages, and the fencing project needs to be completed. We need three new pellet stoves to keep the babies warm and as much as I hate to say it WINTER is coming.. I tried to buy pellets to stock up for the winter this summer but so many expenses have left us very short of what we need to keep everyone warm this winter. There is still two more major projects that have to be completed before winter sets in, one a septic system for the Sanctuarys laundry room , with three washers running non stop we simply can not go on with our one and a simple toilet for everyone to use is planned as sometimes there is just not time or opportunity to run all the way to the house when nature calls. The septic system alone has been quoted at a littler over $10,000.00 which scares the heck out of me but Bill has offered to cover this out of his retirement savings but that means there is no cushion to make all the other projects that are needed happen. A very nice lady at clinic time yesterday asked if we had government funding, I laughed and explained while there are a few loyal supporters who step up and help the Sanctuary most of the expenses fall on Bil and I and the very small amount of profits that come from the clinic, most of which pay salaries for the workers necessary to keep everything running. I take no salary neither does Bill and the Board members all volunteer their time and expertise. What would really help is if our 3000 plus followers would look into their hearts and commit to make a monthly donation to help us do our work. If 3000 would make a monthly donation of $10.00 what a blessing that would be, it would open the flood gates of possibilities for expanding our work, covering cost for our needs here, and saving more lives. If you could not do that amount make a donation of $5.00 ever month and watch what we can do with it to further our mission. There is power in numbers but it takes that first step to make a commitment to consistently help. So many say they would help if the lived closer, had more time, were physically able, werent busy with children etc and there are many reasons folks cant physical be here to carry the load everyday. But a monthly contribution to lighten the load and keep us able to do what we are doing here would be so appreciated and absolute necessary if we want to continue. There is only so much o f personal funds Bill and I can pull from, we need help to make this mission continue. Wont you consider helping us by making a monthly tax deductible donation so we can worry a little less and work a little more towards our goal of fewer suffering animals. It is so easy right here on the face book page. is a DONATE button . Give what your heart tells you to and do it consistently so we can count on your monthly support to move us forward in our mission. I would like to start a Guardian Angels list with everyones name on it who send in monthly donations to help us help these babies with our thanks for your determination to help us with our work. Put a note on your calendar and at the same time each month send your donation through pay pal or in a check to the Sanctuary and watch what you help us accomplish.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 08:25:46 +0000

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