Most Common Trekking Mistakes to Avoid while Trekking in - TopicsExpress


Most Common Trekking Mistakes to Avoid while Trekking in Himalayas. The Himalayas the perfect chain of mountainous ranges is the pride of Indian-subcontinent. Trekking along its different ranges is a matter of glory and bravery and people enjoy doing several adventurous acts at its different locations namely Garhwal, Sikkim, Kumaon, Ladakh and more. Where the Himalayan ranges are studded with brilliant natural beauties, it is also considered as the most challenging routes for strenuous trekking and mountaineering activities. This is the reason every adventure tourist and trekkers must be cautious enough while playing with the high hills of the Himalayas. common-trekking: Often it has been found that people make small mistakes while they are in the wilderness because of lack of preparation; and sometimes many trekkers make such mistakes that cause serious issues like injury, discomfort to the team trekking along you or almost cancelling the expedition. So it is best to avoid such mistakes and should always be accompanied with any guided expert. Some Common Mistakes you should avoid while you are trekking along the mighty Himalayas with a team of trekkers (also otherwise): Lack of Physical Fitness- you must prepare yourself well so to avoid any uncomfortable situations like cramps which may hurt you terribly throughout the trekking route and can at times prove to be fatal. Besides, trekking is all about walking across the high altitudes and which can be even riskier for the patients suffering from cardiac problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and person suffering from breathing problems. Make sure, if you suffer from any one of the related health problems you must avoid going to higher altitudes for trekking and other adventurous activities. Poor Packing- while you are on the move to Himalayan trekking make sure you are well- equipped with all the necessary items. Remember, at high altitudes, every gram becomes a kilogram and so it is best advisable to carry only the most necessary items along with you. Before starting the trek take the best ideas from any experienced trekkers if you are a beginner else make a list of all and then plan your trip accordingly. Dehydration (lacking proper intake of water)- Mostly people avoid drinking water on high altitudes and in cold weather that results in dehydration and may make you feel fatigue while climbing. Drink enough of water and keep a bottle close to your reach. If your urine is concentrated then it’s a sign that your body is dehydrated so keep your body hydrated every time even in the chilliest condition. Wrong Outfit- Trekking is all about a rigorous and continuous walking along the high altitudes and if you are not in a comfortable outfit, your trekking activity will convert into many discomforts and you will not be able to enjoy your adventurous activity. You should avoid cotton and prefer wool and polyester for best trekking achievements. Trekking at Night- Avoid it! It’s really dangerous. Trekking at night is the next best idea of putting yourself into troubles. Since, the rocks and the hilly terrains have no electricity and lighting facilities, so trekking at night would lead to life-threatening act. Wrong Bottoms like Shoes & Socks- Depending upon the trek/trail, it is better to select the perfect pair of shoes for you. A spikes shoes will do wonder in icy and snowy areas to walk comfortably on the snow-beds. At rocky terrains, shoes with good grips and strength will make trekking more comfortable. On a difficult trek or in a difficult situation you would not want a shoe that is troubling you. Missing Important Trekking Gear- Some equipment are essential for certain treks/trails about which you should make a good research well in advance and it would be dangerous if something crucial is missing. You should prepare a checklist which works the best. Avoiding Weather Report- You must always check the weather report before making a start. If the weather is unfavorable, it may bring troubles for you while trekking. Make an enquiry about the best season from any trusted website or any tour operating company and plan accordingly to make the event more successful. Looking Out for Shortcuts- Quite Risky and most of the times even the experienced trekkers regret taking shortcuts. If you get lost then it’s difficult even for the rescue team. Sometime the shortcuts may prove dangerous too as very little people are aware of such routes. Getting Away from Team- Try to stay closer to your team as it will be safer for you and will keep you mentally strong. Trekking with team will also help you to cope up with any adverse situations more strongly. Skipping Food/Snack: Eat well and regularly to keep you energetic and your spirits high throughout the trek. Dry fruits will work well while trekking to keep your body warm. Packing the Wrong Sleeping Bag- Always carry a comfortable sleeping bag that will keep you warm in the mountains and chilly atmosphere. Playing against Weather- It is very risky trying to beat the nature and if the weather is signaling you to stop and wait, it is best to do the same to avoid any misfortunes to happen. By avoiding such common mistakes and following the ideal trekking guidelines, your journey towards the Himalayas will prove very successful, safe and delightful. Visit more for adventureclicknblog
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 03:44:32 +0000

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