Most man made disaster-caused sufferings r cropped up by less than - TopicsExpress


Most man made disaster-caused sufferings r cropped up by less than 10% members of a given society which primarily emanates from their selfish n capitalistic socio-political-economic interests in d society.But eventually,it engulfs d entire society in to severe suffering n finally victimisation.For instance,many Iraqis during Saddam,Afghanis during osama bin laden n now finally sudanese during kiir n machar hv perished coz of their personal interest dt do nt even reflect society goals,yet its only d wise who can analize ds but d opaque minder will embrace n welcome like The Messiah.u may not understand wt am meaning but take ur tym to understand it since theres no tym limit given like in exam or not everyone must understand it. Never the less,its a different thought/conclusion wen it comes to matters concerning u,ur entire family,community,society,nation,race,soil,etc,u can spare nothing just in d wake of defending ur right,land n people wen d effects of primitivity n uncivilization r inflicted/imposed on ur people n motherland.And remember,the consensus,functional n conflict theories xterises any given society,meaning resolutions to problems r made through one of the 3 above theories according to their effective trying one after d other.wt do i mean?wen ur friend always innocently crushes ur toes wd his feet or urinates in ur bed purposely amidst ur plead for peace n mercy,would it be wrong to defend urself violently.In ds case,it would only b d coward n minute minded to oppose ds. Finally my question goes to whom it may concern.Is it reasonable to quell ur neighbours domestic/family fight wen ur own family members r been crashed by a deadly disaster?i dont think even d bible has a verse wc advocates dt.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:35:56 +0000

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