Most recent update on Dr. Lynch by his daughter Christy: - TopicsExpress


Most recent update on Dr. Lynch by his daughter Christy: Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean... (August 9, 2014) By Christie Lynch Ebert — Aug 8, 2014 11:26pm This week brings just a few updates for those who are following Dads healing journey! Dad continues to improve and make progress - his head wound is healing very nicely and he had appointments this past week with the Physical Therapist and follow-up with the Neurosurgeon. His fractures also seem to be healing just as they should, and he looks amazingly well two weeks post-accident! He will continue with therapy about two times a week to build upper body strength for the support he will need when he is no longer wearing the cervical collar for his neck. I was able to assist my Mom with gently removing the cervical collar on one side and then the other to bathe my Dads skin (which by the way, looks great!). Each specialist has complimented Dad on his progress and seems to have a different opinion about to what degree his discharge instructions should be followed, for how long, or if they should be followed at all! For example, Take the sutures out after 12 days - These sutures can come out now! (after a week post-injury) Change the collar lying down flat - Change the collar lying down at an angle - Change the collar sitting up but not moving - Have two people change the collar - Change the collar yourself in front of a mirror - Take the collar off while you are sleeping - but only if you are lying perfectly still and will not get up at all during the night (Note - this is not something that can be done yet) Take a shower, but never get the collar wet - Only take sponge baths - Use a hand shower - Take a shower and dont worry about the collar - Wear the special collar in the shower that can get wet - You will not be able to take a full shower for the next 3 months Your head must remain at a 30 degree angle or greater for the next 3 months - Angle? You dont need to sleep at an angle at all; Only hand-wash the padding for the collar and let it air dry - Throw the collar in the wash with your other laundry - Change the padding in the collar - Leave the padding in the collar for several weeks, as long as you do not sweat you get the picture.... Also, as you can see, the collar is a hot ticket item! My Dad, being the rule-follower that he is, has done an amazing job both managing his healing and adhering to his nurses and medical professionals instructions to the best of his abilities and our collective judgment. I follow in his footsteps of erring on the side of caution - so I fully support taking the safest path possible, especially with someone who is so dear to all of us!!! Speaking of those who are dear, my Mother (Marilyn), in her efforts to take care of herself, injured her back this week at an exercise class Tuesday morning. She was encouraged to resume a class that she typically takes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and in the process, injured her lower back. Thus, my parents have been quoting the British nursery rhyme, first published in 1639: Jack Sprat could eat no fat His wife could eat no lean And so betwixt the two of them They licked the platter clean. (The poem goes on to describe Jacks wife being turned over from a barrow into a ditch which turned out to be dry). Interestingly, and in case you wonder about things like this, the Jack Sprat in this poem is alleged to be King Charles I and his wife is Queen Henrietta Maria. When King Charles I declared war on Spain, Parliament refused to finance this for him (therefore leaving him lean) and so his wife imposed an illegal war tax (to get some fat), after which King Charles dissolved Parliament. For continued exploration of this poems origin and the downfall of Charles leading to his execution in 1649, please visit: pila-nurseryrhymes.blogspot. At any rate, in my parents home at this point in time, this poem simply means that between my Dads injuries and my mothers back, there isnt much they can do - they cancel each other out! They are collectively incapacitated! My mother has been given instructions from her doctor to take pain medicine and alternate hot and cold treatments on her lower back - she was headed to the doctor Friday morning for further evaluation and treatment and I will post additional updates as my folks continue this journey together! Finally, on a positive note, Dad and Mom were able to have a wonderful visit with my brother, David; his wife, Anna; and their 3 children (Samuel, Melea, and Mary). David and Anna prepared the children to be especially careful around Grandaddy to the point that the youngest one - Mary - was afraid to come anywhere near him until she finally realized that she would not break her Grandaddy by saying hello! My folks were so appreciative of this time with these precious family members who love them so much. Thank you to all of you who have taken the time out of your busy lives to write a note, say a prayer, and surround Dad and Mom with your support. We are keenly aware of how much these gestures mean to anyone who is going through a crisis, as well as to the caretakers and family members involved. Please know how deeply grateful we are for your continued prayers, support, and tolerance/patience with these sometimes strange and wacky updates. I will also blame my sense of humor on my parents, but it is something I am thankful for, as humor sometimes helps us to face those things which are difficult in life and to find or bring joy to others in unexpected ways!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 21:30:45 +0000

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