Mother Agnes Mariams speech on Syria, at the UN in Geneva Address - TopicsExpress


Mother Agnes Mariams speech on Syria, at the UN in Geneva Address by Mother Agnes Mariam of the Mussalaha Initiative given at the UNHCHR in Geneva 15 March 2014 Ladies and Gentlemen: I want to begin by thanking the Russian Orthodox Palestinian Society for inviting us to attend this important meeting. We have just arrived from Syria. Syria, where the death , destruction and murder are in all cities, villages and regions. No one wants this absurd war to be ended. Everyone is crying and mourning to see the daily suffering of the Syrian people. But what do they do? Nothing! Quite frankly I say, that the approach of the United Nations, in particular the Human Rights Commission in Geneva regarding the Syrian crises, increases in deepening the disaster in which we live. Yet the absurd wars inside Syria are portrayed as a conflict between the forces of the state and the opposition forces. This is not true. The Absurd war, which revolves in my country today is a war between the Syrian civil society, and Islamic terrorist groups led by strangers from various countries, and funded by strangers from various countries, especially Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, which considered Finally those groups as terrorist organizations, is the country that sent , trained and funded terrorism in order to destroy Syria. The story is ended with the FSA. And the arena is occupied by Islamic terrorist groups. We have reached out yesterday with Yabrood, another Syrian city that has been destroyed. Four hundred young Yabroodies, at least, want to turn from fighters against the state, to the fighters with the state. al Raqqa is governed by Daash by iron and fire. A girl was killed there just because she possessed an account on Facebook. Churches in Al-Raqqa has become the headquarters for Daash. people are forced to pray 5 times a day. And womens teams are dedicated to whip unveiled girls in the streets of Al-Raqqa. Deir ez-Zor is governed by the terrorist group called Jabhat Al-Nousrah. Secularists are being killed just because they are secular. Latin Church was destroyed. Just as happened in Al-Raqqah. Who are the leaders of Daash and Al-Jabhat? Qataris, Saudis, Chechens, Afghans, and even Chinese! Will these terrorists came to spread democracy and human rights in Syria? No! The problem is the international community, They do not want to see the truth, and still believe that there is a delusion called the Free Syrian Army. Here we want to ask: What is the relationship between democracy and the girl that killed because she has an account on Facebook? What is the relationship between human rights and the destruction of churches and synagogues? What is the relationship between freedom and the elimination of the last Aramaic town in the world, Maloula?? Questions wait Ms. Navi Pillay to answer on!... In a summary, there is no telling of democracy in Syria. There is only a talk about the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the only secular country in the Middle East, and get people back to the Middle Ages and the era of darkness. Islamic terrorism has killed a secular friend of mine in Girod city which is controlled by the forces of darkness, and his name is Yamen Bjbj, a dentist. They sent me a picture of his body without a head and the head was put in the sand near the corpse . Why? Because he was distributing my books in that town. another friend of mine was kidnapped , dentist Ramez Uraby, for the same reason. And they used to call me so I can hear his voice, while they are torturing him. No one wants to see the truth. Have you heard of the massacre of Adra ? I do not think so. Adra is a town north of Damascus. This town is a symbol of a smaller Syria . Its a new city which has been built for the Syrian workers . It thus includes all spectrums of the Syrian society . This peaceful city was invaded by forces of Islamic terrorism on December 11th last year . It is undisputed massacre of the century . Hundreds of Syrians have been killed just because they are Shia , Alawite , Ismailis , Druze or Christians . Hundreds of Syrian Sunnite have been killed because they are employees of the state. Many women were drugged naked under the snow . Many heads were hung on the trees . Many people were thrown alive in the furnace of bakery of the city, as if we live in the time of the Holocaust and the Nazi beast again . What did Ms. Navi Pillay do for the liberation of thousands of Adra detainees in a prison al – Tawbah in Duma,? What did Ms. Navi Pillay do to put an end to the tragedy of the twentieth century, which happened before eyes and ears of the world? What have you done for the homeless people of Adra, who are wondering in the streets of Damascus? And what did you do to liberate women and children whom were kidnapped by Islamic terrorism from villages north of Latakia after the killing of men? Why did Ms. Navi Pillay do to restore those simple peasants to their villages? Yes! Because they are Alawites, and Alawites have nothing to do with oil and gas states, the international community does not want to listen to their plight. Ismailis, in contrast, who usually were the masters of the opposition in Syria, are exposed today to a form of genocide just because they Ismailis. Ismailis suffered in Adra the worst kind of genocide. They have been also subjected in Alcavat to a terrorist attack that killed innocent. This is also the case of Tal Aldoura and Salamieh. Ismailis are a small minority in Syria and the Islamic world. So they do not find support from the organizers of the international affairs who have no time to follow up their extermination at the hands of Islamic terrorist groups. The situation of Christians is not better than other minorities. For example, Sadad, the Christian Syriac town was attacked last Summer by groups of Islamic terrorism which killed, raped and destroyed before leaving. They also attacked Maloula , stole homes , displaced people and destroyed much of the historic features of the village. For no other reason, but because the two towns are Christian. They had occupied the Christian towns in the countryside of Idlib. No need here to remind you that they were responsible for the destruction of the Christian neighborhoods in the city of Homs, and shelling the Christian neighborhoods in Damascus by mortar every day. It has been talked recently about what they called the policy of starving that was carried out by the Syrian state. But have you heard about what happened to food that entered by the State to the Yarmouk refugees camp? Did you heard about the institution of Al-Adalah in Duma, which is governed by armed groups, and which includes a huge food stores, including frozen meat, and how people attacked and stole all what were in them, despite their suffering of terrorism that reached the limits of murder? The solution is democracy. The presidential elections are near. Let the people say his speech under international supervision ensures neutrality of the ballot
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 01:52:22 +0000

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