Mr. Charles Pierce sometimes employs inside-the-Beltway-speak - TopicsExpress


Mr. Charles Pierce sometimes employs inside-the-Beltway-speak (which some of us Villager followers understand implicitly but others may not), and references folks anti-Kochtopus warriors are familiar with even as many others are not (for example, Scott Hagerstrom - referred to herein - is the State Director of the Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity), His links are aways Really salient, too… — But people like me who follow the mans work so religiously do so for valid reasons; like the way he Savages not only such Satanic monsters as David and Charles Koch, but many in the traditional beltway establishment media who so many naive and ignorant so-called liberals and progressives pay such obeisance to because theyre on MSNBC and therefore Must know WTF theyre talking about, But DONT! Oh yeah - BTW: Charlies one of the punditrys indisputable Masters of SNARK. (I cant but help love a man who still brings up what a fraud news media Superstar Tim Russert was, for instance)… Heres a small excerpt, for an example: I realize that Harry Reid is making a terrible political blunder in taking on the Koch Brothers and their attempt to purchase American democracy in bulk. This is because it is impolite to do so, and also because Soros (!) and Speyer (!) and Adelson (!) (My man Chuck Todd is keeping America safe from Harry Reids hypocrisy on that last point, in what can be fairly described as true Big Tim Investigative Collating fashion.) However, then I notice that the Kochs are trying to submarine Detroits attempt to manage its bankruptcy and I think, geez, maybe my man Chuck Todd is missing the point just a tad here… You see, Chuck, thats the difference. Sheldon Adelson is primarily interested in two things -- protecting his casino investments and a radically right-wing version of the state of Israel. Period. He doesnt give a damn if retired Detroit sewer workers finally get their pensions or not, or if Nashville gets itself a light-rail train. — But the Kochs do. Their eyes are on the sparrow. They want it all, and theyre damn close to getting it, and thats why Harry Reid is right for belting them around the way he is. Civility, or the Beltway equivalent thereof, is very much beside the point. Sic Em, Charlie. For anyone - like me, whos Always - interested in MORE, you should become familiar w/this FB page (https://facebook/esquirepolitics). Mr. Pierce targets a lot of Really Important Stuff out there that the rest completely miss… G Nite.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 04:45:03 +0000

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