Mr. Fantino Im writing on behalf of one else. - TopicsExpress


Mr. Fantino Im writing on behalf of one else. Born in Italy; was that when Italy was allied with Germany or us??? Just asking. Your letter was shameful for a man in your position. Back off of the insults to Dennis please and engage him - youll learn something; however anyone appointed as minister of VAC by Harper will be suspect and with good reason and he changes VAC Ministers as often as he changes his underwear. Until you prove your not just a government hack...thats how it will stay. So far, not so good. And to you politicians on the other side of the House - dont get too excited about my letter to Mr. Fantino; your parties are no better than the Harper conservatives. From where many of us sit Gestapo is a bit of a stretch but not by much. Frustration, double talk, deceit and politics makes us a little testy. Many of us are fighting for our very livelihood and well being; you should know that.You folks are sitting pretty and secure at the government elitist trough (and I for one hold no grudge ref that) but I do get furious when the ruling elite treat veterans like second class humans and welfare cases. No one owes you an apology; on the contrary you people owe veterans many apologies. Since WW 1 politicians like you have sat in the safety and security of your fine offices and have been responsible for many a serviceman dying or being wounded because of politicians inability and / or lack of knowledge and empathy. Government has from the beginning supplied the service with inferior equipment, not enough of it, cut backs in training, the lowering of standards, creation of fire orders that give the bad guy the drop on you every time, cut back in troops and lowering discipline standards to that of boy scouts. Discipline is what keeps soldiers alive. Human rights kill them. Soldiers are there to protect democracy not practice it. On top of all that politicians have stripped us of traditions and they keep changing rank structure and the damned uniforms, theyve decommissioned and dishonored regiments, closed bases that weaken the nation. After all that, we have to beg for what we are rightfully and lawfully owed and we have to go in front of tribunals to plead our case to people that dont know a rifle from a damn pencil and you sir, are outraged by the analogy Gestapo! Back off with the Im outraged bullshit ok. Most of us dont care. Despite the deplorable treatment of the Armed Forces and its veterans; we have brought honour and notoriety to Canada many times over; the Nobel Peace Prize comes to mind. Canadian soldiers, unlike soldiers from many other countries have never run from a fight. And we will certainly not run from this one. Question: Do any of you folks ccd have any sense of shame by what is happening here? Dennis has done more for veterans than all you suits in government have ever done. That includes the vet organizations that kiss your collective asses! Man up Mr. Minister of VAC and talk or at least listen to Dennis; youll be much more informed if you do. Perhaps thats not your intent. Respectfully, (kind of) Gord P.S. Please add me to your enemies list. Those who do not govern themselves by the laws of God will be ruled by tyrants
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 01:59:44 +0000

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