Mr. President dont send our tax dollars to give to group of rebel - TopicsExpress


Mr. President dont send our tax dollars to give to group of rebel fighters to fight another group of rebel fighters. No troops on the ground we need to stay out of Iraq, should have never went there in the first place. Let some other countries step in we need to get out of the middle east and let them handle their own. We tried training the Iraqi troops and they elected their own govt. time for them to protect their own and get help from their neighbors. We should have never went in and screwed this country up in the first place. Iraq has never been a threat to America. There will always be rebel fighters in the middle east new groups pop up all the time, its time for other countries to step up to defeat them. Why arent the rebel fighters wanting to Kill other countries? Waste of precious life of OUR troops and and a waste of our hard earned money. I totally believe in giving aid to those that need help but another war against another group of rebel fighters just seems like never ending war to me. I guess we should just stay in war in Iraq forever while our taxes continue to soar, we have homeless veterans on the streets without good healthcare an education system thats failing and we continue to live in fear thats America now. RANT OVER
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 16:20:10 +0000

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