Ms. statement Yinglaksa Shinawatra past Prime Minister. People at - TopicsExpress


Ms. statement Yinglaksa Shinawatra past Prime Minister. People at 28 January 23, 2015 Dear citizens, Dear brethren, According to the expectations of the national legislative Assembly has approved withdrawal would leave the Prime Ministers position and cut political rights for 5 years, and the Attorney General has ordered the Supreme Court to sue the Department I of criminal political positions. I hereby give the following I hereby confirm and confident in my innocence and sound thanks to the minority still adhering to the principle of Dharma, in which precision and various processes initiated in and cut my basic rights. As one of the Thai people that ought to get. I hereby confirm that the project is a good project, the rice pledge. Does not create any damage. The damage figures for trying to make it as I was subjected because of the prejudice against the people of Panama and taken as a tool in political destruction. As I have previously discussed the democracy in the country, Thai. When April 29, 2013 at the city hotel Oulun stumps. Country Mongolia said, I need to see a roadmap for democracy and Thai economies of Thai development, more strong that these things will happen, with rule of law principles and processes, there are strong legal procedures that are transparent and clear, then everyone will be able to rest assured that they will receive reasonable care, he said. I still insist on saying it, even today. Thai democracy is dead, along with the application, but there are also destructive movement is continuous, as I am currently experiencing. As of regret, and that is not, I would like to believe that there is a lot of chance events as I press turn rhetoric into yesterday and it is chance that not happen again is the first time that national legislative Assembly meeting starts 1 hour recall vote just press it ordered Attorney General sue me. For ignoring the obligations causing corruption in the projects get the rice pledge. Despite the fact that the head of delegation Attorney Confirm that the need to consider any of the following cases is incomplete. Corporate Attorney, which is the organization that created the trust. In the justice system have long been concerns in this issue. This is my duty. As Prime Minister throughout the period of 2 years, 9 months, 2 days, I intend to work with a dedication that would fix the problem, with some groups of people, the brothers do not choose exercise and I am proud that during ones life has made brothers peasants and poor people have lost eyes, mouth, and have a better quality of life. Even today, I dont have a position, what remains, but the case is still subjected to the lawsuit in the next court. The word of reconciliation will happen. Must not chase anyone, but means that a neutral and fair to all parties. When justice was justice was coming up. To accept peace, harmony, to be held in Thai society. Because we are the same Thai people. Instead, we will be facing each other and together make our country strong, but create hate for each other. Chase, so that there are no standing. Finally, someone who is corrupt, it is our country. I decided to run, not because I thukklan to annoy and suffer the fate that is unfair, but Im sorry instead of the farmer and the Thai people across the country have lost a chance to go back to the (necessary) intelligence of poverty have liabilities is exploitation and loss of basic democracy and law has been distorted. Finally, I would hope that anyone who is the Director of the countrys Justice Department. Dont let a group that does not maintain the rules of democracy and the rule of law and the rule of law State cannot maintain any guidance from another, as a scholar, said that there are no more Thai people still kept together, but the important thing is that if there is no justice system remains the rule of Thai, then nobody is. However, I hereby confirm that I will fight to prove my innocence, regardless of the result, and it is important that I get the stand side by side sister Thai people. We must together bring progress to the country. Make our democracy and create a fair, resulting in a truly Thai society.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:40:49 +0000

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