Mukul Saini:- ahmedabad/GUJARAT/INDIA:---email - TopicsExpress


Mukul Saini:- ahmedabad/GUJARAT/INDIA:---email [email protected] an real life experience,with law/governance/judiciary/constitution in 3rd world country,where PUBLIC WELFARE & constitution compete with RAT POISON & PEST...five year story of indian (31rst december2008 to 31rst december 2013)..INDIA 2012/21rst century INDIA.... RIGHT TO LIVE(leave) with[ dignity of indian] promised by INDIAN CONSTITUTION & given by INDIAN JUDICIARY...the 21rst century INDIA of shamelessness..... JUSTICE is an ROGUE,JUDICARY is scoundrel to an SURVIVAL OF INDIAN IN INDIA.... example:---real life chat with INDIAN ABROAD, by another indian in INDIA.. MUKUL(INDIA).....KARTIK...(AFRICA/USA) November 13th, 6:46am MUKUL In USA like countries,sense have been developed,& sensibility has been nurtured/ cultivated,in the essence of PUBLIC WELFARE/service/justice.,above all has been NOVICE & out of course for the INDIAN GOVERNANCE,JUDICIARY,PUBLIC WELFARE AGENCies hence people with actual expenses/costs/decievement are at the recieving end,whereas the GOVERNMENT/biggies are at ease, particularly in case of even MURDERs the motive & mechanism/hirers of murderers are considered more criminal & penalisable,but in the evolved CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM OF INDIANs having an double autonomous JUDICIARY with 65 years of independence & achievements people are made scapegoats BY JUDGEMENTs/service/creativity in name of service to nation/productivity,PARTCULARLY in INDIA, there is an trend & FASHION & an ABSTRACT & solid notion nurtured & UPHELD BY INDIAN GOVERNANCE & JUDICIARY that average indian is a culprit,defaulter & should be at the recieving end & the mighties,governance & JUDICIARY are always in the super comfort zone,seeing this plight of the BOMBAY RESIDENTs makes us small city dwellers feel that SUPREME COURT OF INDIA & its JUDICIAL achievements have not yet matured yet,same is the plight of ordinary citizens ravaged BY 498a law & ATTROCITY law,wherein government,court,law(national creativity) all ride upon the average earning fraternity (toiling member of indian society),SHAME is a word super deficient for the GIFTs awarded to indians now & THEN ,all in name of INDIAN JUSTICE(swarajya) from last 65 years, the india citizens are purely at the mercy of mental,& conscience & creative handicappedness of INDIAN JUDICIARY & GOVERNANCE,else why so many indians are leaving for western COUNTRIEs,where JUSTICE is not done for sake of JUSTICE,JUSTICE is actually felt,seen & displayed openly,in india even today from KASHMIR TO 192 indian naxal dominated districts only feeling of injustice associated gloom has flourished for the INEPTness & inefficiency & UNIMPRESSIVENESS OF INDIAN JUSTICE,more important is HUMAN ELEMENT & SUFFERING ELEMENt of the actual sufferers/victims is not seen by the INDIAN APEX JUDICIARY/indian judiciary as a whole,hence the FACEVALUELESS indians have an local theatre like JUDICIARY,which cannot be contested at HAGUE the international court of JUSTICE, this (INDIA) is an namesake DEMOCRACY,NAMESAKE INDEPENDENCE & NAME SAKE JUDICIARY, increasingly this feeling is being erected by the PRESTIGELESS JUDICIARY,GOVERNANCE,& SUPER EXECUTIVE(LAVISH) PARLIAMENT & PRESIDENT/MINISTRIEs made up of indians, the intresting feature of the INDIAN JUDICIARY,GOVERNANCE made up of indians is that almost any & ALL OF THE AVERAGE INDIAN is at the verge of & GAMBELE of his earnings,liberty,rights & EVEN PHYSICAL WELLBEING forget progress ,but the JUDICIARY & GOVERNMENT have an financially secure, & PHYSICAL rights assured tenure no matter what ,all in name of JUSTICE,SERVICE TO NATIOn & PRODUCTIVITy, the INDIAN SUPREME COURT made up of the SUPER SHAME LESS TRIBE CALLED INDIANs, these indians via authority become the most ruthless (INCONSIDERATE) & autocratic(VALUELESS & ETHICLESS) creatures,eg any peon of indian police /judiciary to INDIAN HOME MINISTRY/INDIAN PMO, everywhere the indian citizen has to be dwarfed in name of progress of nation,else people like me would not be CHASED BY THE CONDEMNED,STUPID, NOTORIOUS,VULGAR,VENEMOUS COBRA like CRIMINAL JSUTICE SYSTEM OF INDIANs.even crime of time is yet to be found out by the SUPREME COURT,HIGH COURT & TRIAL COURT,POLICE,PMO & PRESIDENT office & INDIAN MINISTRIEs,since it has always been easier for the INDIAN AUTHORITIEs to play with peoples(TAX PAYERs) life,property,rights above is an ROUTINE inconsiderateness fetching PAY,PENSION,PICNIC(PAID VACATIONs)& PERKs,power to the SERVICE managers ie JUDICIARY & GOVERNANCE MADE UP OF INDIANs,else why even today people say bad about INDIA,its system on INTERNET & LEAVE INDIA ,for good to even spend thier prime years in severe isolation from thier family & AN 8-9% growth commanding nation OF INDIANs, indian justice has becoming very synonymous with the UNIMPRESSIVE TRIBE called INDIAN, eg it has almost very lowest NOBEL PRIZE winning INDEX,almost lowest olympic prize winning index, etc to the extent one INDIAn on his sole(PRIVATE) capacity was seen participating at the winter olympics (CANADA) in year 1998-2002 !!!, the person commented , a NATION OF 100 BILLION people have not an single government entry for WINTER OLYMPICs an major event of the world, but it shall soon be unfurled open & WIDE that we are one of the MOST SELFISH TRIBE alive on earth ,as well as the MOST OPRESSED & helpless NATION in name of INDEPENDENCE,REPUBLIC,JUSTICE, HUMANITY, ETHICs,creativity,progress & almost HONEST LIFE & MOTIVEs are not even supported by even the APEX JUDICIARY MADE UP OF INDIANs, what is good of INDIAN GOVERNANCE, judiciary & is people friendly is yet to be discovered & HIGH LIGHTED TO THE WORLD, here in INDIA GANDHI is POSTHAMOUSLY considered/awarded with FATHER OF NATION title by the almost INTELLECT deprived nation(EXECUTIVE & JUDICIARY) made up of indians, everyone else,especially the children of him,ie YOU & ME (AVERAGE INDIANs/ dependents of indian law) all are considered & TREATED as scoundrel & THUGs & BASTARds by the HOLY,& MENTALLY retarded JUDICIARY,governance made up of indians, nehru once said, the governments now(after 1947) priority is to wipe the tears from eyes of every indian, above struggle of BOMBAY ITES via appeal to indian nationals for help is exactly the reverse of aims & AMBITIONs of MAHATMAGANDHI,& NEHRUJI, but it shall not matter much,since some races(TRIBEs) are simply unimpressives via blood stream/ancestry & hence only INDIANs can prosper IN USA,UK,AUSTRALIA,canada, elsewhere BUT IN INDIA, the INDIANs have to loose MONETARILY,EMOTIONALLY, JUDICIALLY ,life wise,ethically & IN MULTI MANNER, hence we have a name INDIA we actually dont know what it means & WHO NOMENCLATURED US or why this name was given,but still we allow our mother to be named & called by others will, while IN USA I CAME across articles in newspapers,which said the worlds western/civilised/ developed nations have identified 18 groups of tribals(underdeveloped species),like AFRICAN INDIANs,american indians,red indians,australian indians,zulu indians,amyra indians & INDIANs from INDIA., thus we are two degree of indians & now we have copied an constitution,supreme court, democracy, public welfare ministries,how can we ever deliver & dominate(over deliver) the expectation of our people, the western nations/people are more practical, knowledgeable & sincere,hence every INDIAN AUTHORITY worth its calibre is inequipped to crossover the mental barrier erected by the western civilsation,who are actually an overall decent,sincer,shamefull & calculative/scientific community, there estimation & NOMENCLATURE OF US INDIANs can never be UPTURNED,eg efficiency,credibility & creativity of INDIAN SUPREME COURT & HUMAN RIGHTs comission of INDIA located at new delhi, my experience with an INDIA GOVERNMENT,india JUDICIARY propelled FIR is TIME OF CRIME/ evidence to support the FIR/criminal proceedings against me & MY MOTHER are yet to be found out after our arrest at midnight & almost 05 years of completion of criminal case,having hearing at distant state on every month,writing, interacting to INDIAN SUPREME COURT,HIGH COURT,PMO,president, ministries, HUMAN RIGHTs comission makes no difference what so ever,.INDIAN JUSTICE has evolved & erupted as an nightmare,disaster,cruelity,cruedity, nudity,vulgarity, insensibility,insanity, wrong attitude & APTITUDE, insincerity, ineptness, absurdity, uncertanity,joke like as well as severe depressant,corrosive to life,progress,well being & family prosperity & PROSPECTUS, this is probably the best of creativity of UNDERDEVELOPED INDIANs thier UNTIDY,unethical,unmindful state,which is striving hard(APPARENTLY) to survive the self rule(from 65 years).... take care & PRAY TO GOD & look for better quality HUMAN BEING to serve you as soon as possible,since I have seen & EXPERIENCED THE INDIA of 21rst century to be deciver,thug,scoundrel,stupid, UNSURVIVABLE, I PRAY TO GOD for the victims of INDIAN GOVERNANCE,JUDICIARY& services, how can justice ever be done in an nation,where Parameters of JUSTICE, standards of justice, compulsions of service are not yet defined, TORTURE BY SERVICEs(compulsive standards of service) bill is pending with INDIAN GOVERNANCE from 1975,since INDIANs can be slave for 300+ years but cannot become servicemen for 99 years, eg BRITISH MILK MAN started learning GUJARATI, to better communicate & SERVE his GUJARAT CLIENts, the ENGLISH ATTITUDE,IMPERIALISM dominated & ENGLISH aping SUPREME COURT MADE UP OF INDIANs even still expects ordinary accused like me & any mason/farmer of india to translate thier petitions to seek JUSTICE in ENGLISH ONLY, this cocktail/generic version of english tribe is an actual scourage & is the sole reason for INDIANs even today migrating to west/foriegn shores to survive near slave like conditions.....SAY JAY HIND & MOURN OUR INDEPENDENCE,republic & TRIBEs future. for almost every institution created by INDIANs is almost synonymous to GLOOM HARVESTER for the natives ,needy & dependents .smallest of the countries like BHUTAN gave the world happiness INDEX, now one of the largest of nations ,us INDIA are trying to destabilise,(CREATE HOMELESSS)JOBLESS,helpless ndians, wherein 65% indians are not having latrine(UN REPORT),80+% indians are foodless/starving UN report, rest all are taxpayers & INDIAN GOVERNANCE IS COMITTED To destabilise,demoralise & DEROBE all of them as a part of GLOOM PROPAGATION AGENDA(loot agenda),hence in coming few years if UN is willing us indians shall give the world GLOOM INDEX,wherein an INDIAN from india shall win the top honour & PRIZE from GOVERNANCE to increase the best possible quantity of gloom in nation via SERVICE/sense/sincerity & solidarity towards nation(NATIVEs) MUKUL C. saini, ahmedabad,GUJARAT,email [email protected] November 25th, 9:30pm hello mukul...(KARTIK) hello kartik,call me on 9228889255/give a miscall after 10 minutes. (KARTIK) men....I am in africa congratulation for being in africa,post your photos with AFRICAN wild animals I shall try to match them for thier cruelity/beastliness with INDIAN PUBLIC SERVICEs...if ever U come to india,keep my phone number we shall meet,,take care how many kids U have currently, UR laughter/giggle is UNIQUE in this world, I exactly remember it & UR KIA RIDE TO US(me & RAJESH TOMAR),while going to MID GEORGIA AVIATION SCHOOL...the US COUNTRY SIDE OF GEORGIA....nice experience with U all....JAI SHREE KRISHNA... Friday 11:14pm Dear mukul,......what happened to Lobo? After u left USA ? Tnx for compliments for my self Mukul Saini captain KARTIK, LOBO left me, in macon,only DOGs are very serious & sincere face readers, he felt that (he/lobo),was an overweight on my student status in USA,so he left,me & to my astonishment, he came back to convey me that he was O/K, this was roughly after 2-3 weeks,when he left me for the first time & second time, he never came back, I waited almost 6 months....MAY be we HUMANs are yet to evolve to read DOG/pet/animal psychology... as on today I continue with my LOVE FOR LOBO, my email remains same.... [email protected] even today, I am & always shall be in love with my lobo, thanks for remembering lobo... it was an pleasant experience...DOGs give back your love,but this one almost crossed the limits & over gave me in its capacity. take care.. 10 minutes ago Mukul....what u r doing now a days? u are seeing, what I AM DOING NOW A DAYs, there is nothing else to be said.everything is on FACEBOOK. I m asking (KARTIK) U r doing some thing better then we pilots do.....I can see MUKUL I am tried BY INDIAN SUPREME COURT & INDIAN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM FROM LAST 05 years in name of INDIAN JUTICIARY(juti=shoe),vegetable vendors throw shoes at indian JUSTICE/judges... I am tried for holy shit/dahej,wherein time of crime is yet to be found out, the indian judiciary made up of human being looking judges are seeing criminal in me & MY MOTHER, it is an no loss job/justice/service thrown at indians in name of public welfare, where citizen & his progress are fuel for the justice associateds progress. (KARTIK) Hahaha MUKUL :pest& INDIAN JUSTICE/LAW/JUDICIARY/GOVERNANCE & CONSTITUTION are same I have first hand experience..may be I PUBLISH an 5000 page book, by end of this year.... (KARTIK) Men.......u am searching u on google......u r evry where Chat Conversation End Sent from Mobile CONCLUSION OF INDIAN SERVICED BY INDIAN LAW/JUSTICE/constitution/governance INDIA 2013(an experience with INDIAN LAW/justice/constitution/ service/court/ governance)..21rst century INDIA ,where constitution is pretense,justice is prejudice, pervertedness & SERVICE is drawing salaries..the contented,conscienced INDIAN WAY TO GIVE IN INDIA...!!!!! service TO NATION,tribe,society/world by INDIAN SUPREME COURT/judiciary.... an actual glimpse of life in 3rd world country....DUNGEON is better than 21rst century INDIA,pests are called law,governance/judiciary/justice... by help of criminal case/law JUSTICE is running after citizen from 25/7/2008...thereafter from 2009(6/6/09) the citizen is running with constitution & eidence after the supreme court & HIGH court & JUSTICE/service of indians along with the constitution/reference & provisions, but both have reached no where, the constitution,public welfare & CITIZEns are in tatters....SUPREME COURT PETITION...4020/2010(CRIMINAL) writ SLP,10226/ supreme court... 624/2012...SPECIAL CRIMINAL APPLICATION at GUJARAT HIGH COURT... all are not listed for JUSTICE,when citizen desiress....this is service to nation,public welfare,JUSTICE/law & GOVERNANCE of third world name sake countries/democracies..where INDEPENDENCE & REPUBLIC & JUSTICE & CONSTITUTION & LAW are deceptive monsters.......... *************************************************>>>>>>>>
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:45:27 +0000

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