Museveni Urges Buganda Leaders to Preach Patriotism Bruno - TopicsExpress


Museveni Urges Buganda Leaders to Preach Patriotism Bruno Agababyona President Museveni President Yoweri Museveni has stressed the essence for leaders in Uganda to inculcate the spirit of patriotism, nationalism and Pan Africanism into the people they lead saying these tenets are part of the future and livelihood of the people of Uganda together with their brothers and sisters in Africa such as Kenya , the democratic republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan and Rwanda. Mr. Museveni was yesterday evening addressing over 1000 leaders from 24 districts of Central Region at State House Entebbe in his own going efforts to mobilize leaders throughout the country to support and supervise government development programmes that are aimed at eradicating household poverty and unemployment. The leaders included, among others, LC5 and LC3 Chairpersons, MPs, councilors, youth leaders and different categories of professionals. The President said that the unity of the African continent was paramount for the future of the people of Africa. “Patriotism, nationalism and Africanism is part of our future and livelihood,” he stressed. Mr. Museveni emphasized to the leaders from Central Uganda the need to educate households on poverty eradication in the country through embracing commercialization agriculture so that Ugandans are empowered to become a middle income society. “We want all the families to transform from being poverty stricken to middle income earners in our society through commercialized agriculture,” he explained. Mr. Museveni said that the NRM government is now diagnosing the real problem affecting the people of Uganda including suppression of women, sectarianism and marginalization of youth that were not tackled by past leaderships.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:10:13 +0000

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