My Ebola Rant... As most of you know, we are an expatriate family - TopicsExpress


My Ebola Rant... As most of you know, we are an expatriate family living abroad in Luanda, Angola. You can call it West Africa or you can call it South Africa...we are somewhere in between. Prior to the outbreak, I would say we lived in West Africa, since technically South Africa is 2 countries south of us. Now I dont really answer this question, due to speculation or assumptions of Ebola virus. So, let me begin by stating, that Ebola is real, scary...really scary. We returned to Luanda on July 31...just when mass media began reporting the stories with devastating numbers in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. It hadnt quite made it to Nigeria...yet. I actually first saw this story, while sitting in the lounge waiting to board our flight to UK and then Luanda. I will say I was concerned and lack of sleep and more news/media didnt help my hysteria. I was hysterical with fear. I wanted to go back to US to have access to proper medical care, should we contract this disease. I was scared, but rather than freak out or wait for an outbreak near us...I went to my roots, my Project Manager roots. I read and read and read and developed a Risk Assessment on our lifestyle. Realistically, the impoverished without access to water, chlorine, separate rooms in their home for the ill, homes without sewage systems or infrastructure for proper waste management, AND medical staff (doctors, nurse, medial waste, coroners, etc) are the most susceptible to the virus. After this realization, I had to really come to terms with everywhere we go, whether the grocery store, a restaurant, etc.majority of the staff come from these conditions, including our driver and our maid. Still, not freaking out, but being educated and coming from a Hotel/Facilities management background I began to educate my driver and maid on sanitation practices. I bought them hand wash and sanitizer for their hands. This is not a common practice here...washing hands. Crazy! At this time, Nigeria began having confirmed cases and deaths, then Democratic Repubic of Congo (just north of us). OK, a little more worried. Next part of plan...hand sanitizer everywhere we go, wiping of surfaces with disinfecting wipes, and teaching our maid how to sanitize surfaces like switches, door knobs, stairway rails. Then the company which supplies the maids, gave them all 1 pair of gloves to wear in the home while they clean...haha. Guess what happens when you give just 1 pair of gloves? you have someone cleaning the toilet and then making your bed...with the same pair of gloves. I had a heart attack and immediately got in the car with my driver to go fetch more gloves...6 pairs in fact. If you are going to wear gloves or impose a glove policy, you should teach people how to wear them. Many different colors bought, red for the bathroom, white for the kitchen, pink for common living areas, and another pair for the laundry room. I had to teach my maid to still wash her hands before putting them on (this is a very hard concept for her to understand and we are still not 100%) and when taking them off. But also to wash the gloves with water and soap or if mopping stick them in the bleach water bucket. Next, the shoe policy...our maid has a pair of shoes for just our house and only our house. Her shoes remain outside of our home. Now, you might think Im crazy...but it is easier to start training prior to an outbreak, rather than during an outbreak. And awareness is everything... We do not stay in our home all day, I dont keep Sage from school, we still go out to eat, we still travel around Luanda and surrounding cities...but we take small precautions and are very aware of our surroundings. We limit our risk...everything we do has risks, but we can minimize it and teach others to be aware, as well. Now, we cant be certain that Ebola will not spread or will not enter our one can. But I do know that if we dont assist in the efforts to slow the outbreak or stop it all together, uncertainty and fear will take over the world. I see posts all day long about people who want to keep their children from school, criticizing the President, wanting to close borders, etc. Let me ask you...if you are one of these people that reposts stories and spreads the fear...what are you doing to help contain the virus? Spreading fear and insult is not solving the problem. Give to a cause...I have a few that I post now and then which have made huge impacts. We give to them very regularly. But I know that I am helping these organizations train and recruit new medical staff to send to these affected countries. Another organization sends supplies like gloves, hazmat suits, masks, goggles, medicine, body bags...all needed to protect the service workers and other civilians. Its just like voting...dont complain or talk politics if you do not vote. And I dont mean majority of the readers who will say, I voted in the last Presidential election. Voting just for the President, does not count! Just like talking about Ebola and not doing anything to make a difference. It saddens me to hear such horrible comments regarding this outbreak. People who are unwilling to give just $1 to any organization, stating that it isnt their problem. Let me say that I have many friends in healthcare, and while I feel I am pretty safe and secure...I cant say the same for those who give their lives to help others. This includes, police and fire staff, medics, doctors, nurses, lab techs, ambulance staff, and the list goes on and on. These are the people most at even if you dont give to an organization that is sending supplies and medical care overseas, maybe donate to a local clinic or hospital or a university that is researching Ebola vaccines and treatments. How many of you did the ALS challenge? How many millions did they raise this past summer? $21.7 million dollars and yet from outside donors groups like Americares, Doctors without Borders, Samaritans Purse, etc has raised less than $1 million this year for Ebola. They are seriously underfunded. Here is the worst part...while I write this, very few will read, like or share it...if any. Yet, I can post a picture of my daughter and 50 people will like it. I can post a banner of something funny and get 10 shares...yet, the need for assistance is ignored. Now, a new occurrence...outbreak in US. People are a little more aware than when I began sharing organizations in need...but now, the question of why should I give my money to Africa when there is an outbreak in the US. Because the same organizations who have been trained and supporting the cause for over 10 months will assist in the US, as well. They are not specific to any region. Do what you can, like my post, share my post, unfriend me...but rather than spreading the fear with all the articles of potential outbreak, possible new Ebola victim, etc maybe share a solution. We all know the problem... Why not present the problem with a solution?
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:38:08 +0000

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