My Fellow Nerds of Color, Much like The Wire did with race, - TopicsExpress


My Fellow Nerds of Color, Much like The Wire did with race, politics and drug policy on the streets of Baltimore, the dark and hypnotic show The Bridge uses a murder mystery as a cover to make some heavy social commentary revolving around complex political issues between the US and Mexico. Often times on the show, the problems taking place south of the border are due to the hypocrisy taking place north of the border. The show has great writing and a stellar cast of character actors including Matthew Shaggy Lillard and Ted Buffalo Bill Levine, but the show absolutely belongs to Academy-Award nominee Demian Bichir as Det. Marco Ruiz. Hes a magnetic actor who owns every scene hes in. Diane Kruger is a great foil for Ruiz as his American counterpart, Det. Sonya Cross. My favorite part of the series is whenever Det. Ruiz, normally face-palming from exasperation, has to slowly explain to the by-the-book Cross that things dont work the same way in Mexico as they do in America, and her going and flashing her American badge around there dont mean diddly squat. Her attitude is very much similar to Americans who think everything can be solved with a gun, a badge and a bit of America, F--k Yeah!. This show is a worthy addition to FXs very deep bench of quality prime-time dramas and is chock full of great Latino character actors. The first seasons on Hulu if you wanna check it. I think its great show and youll like it, but as always, you dont have to take my word for it...
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:23:44 +0000

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