My Humble Opinion or Why the Democrats Lost Last Night I am a 47 - TopicsExpress


My Humble Opinion or Why the Democrats Lost Last Night I am a 47 year old, white, Christian, conservative male.By extreme liberal standards, the most hated man in America. Over the last 6 years Ive been called bigot, hater, homophobe, intolerent and other nouveau nomenclatures simply because my opinion differs from yours. Small differences in some cases, large in others. ( I was even told you make me sick) Im not the only one, Im afraid. The extreme liberals have adopted a conform or be cast out attitude whereby you had better agree with them or suffer their wrath. Bullying being the weapon of choice. I, like most in this country, am a right/left leaning moderate. To the liberals, thats not good enough. Oppose us and suffer Well, I, like most Americians, are tired of giving up my milk money. Have you ever wondered why a lot of democrats voted republican yesterday? Because they too are tired of the bullying. I had a Kay Hagan stumper come to my house arguing with me as to why I wouldnt vote for her. None of her F-Ing business! But she pressed and bullied until I answered. At the end I had to asked her to leave. I feel that this attitude drove a great bit of democrat voters to vote republican/independent/libertarian. This election was a failure of your own making. In closing, even the dumbest of dumb bullys know and understand that if you keep pushing, eventually someone is going to fight back or someone will step in in your defense. Either way, youre getting knocked out. PS Write me and tell me what a POS I am if you like. Youll only be proving my point. Also, PLEASE know that I am NOT saying this rant applies to every Liberal. However I have come across my fair share that this does apply too...
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:33:07 +0000

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