My Journey, On June 9th and 11th I embarked on a journey that un - TopicsExpress


My Journey, On June 9th and 11th I embarked on a journey that un beknown to me at the time would change my life. It all started at the MBS festival, where i had signed up for a workshop, that had the words Shamanism, Oils, Egypt, among other things in the description.... Mystery schools in Egypt, Oils......i had to go. The workshop was held by Yvette Sitten (Aurora Alchemy) truly a soul not of this world. A Divine Sacred Woman, well i call her Great Great Great Great Great.....Great Grandmother, truly a soul from the beginning of time....Many messages she passed on to the group, and shared her Sacred Goddess Oils with us, the vibrations of the oils where out of this world, i instantly felt energy rush up and down my temple. For those who know me, know one of my passions is making different kinds of oil blends, and brewing up some healing potion in the kitchen, with herbs or combination of both, whether a cream, oil or what ever comes to mind. But Yvette she had me mesmerized from the moment i met her. I felt honored and truly blessed to be in her presence. Truly sent from the Divine, she shared her knowledge so freely, and her heart you could feel from a mile away. I held my hands up to the heavens and said thankyou.......truly a blessing. From this workshop, i was introduced to many other Goddesses, Theresa Lim, Claire, the beautiful (Alquimia aurora)...Izumi...the voice of an Angel, Zoe, who looked deep into my heart, and an instant friendship was forged. I was told about a trip taking place on 9th and 10th June to .....wait for it Glastonbury, Avalon, and Stonehenge......OMG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Even tho i had no money, i was given the green light to go from my Guardians. You know when you read about a place, but really have no expectations to go, and then out of the blue, an opportunity arises.......OMG. A week before my journey, i felt a need to cleanse before stepping on such holy ground, and so i did a 1 week cleanse, along with meditations, and laying my crystals, and topped it off with an Ayurveda detox massage, and steam. Sunday 9th, i was good to go, i had several delays in getting to the train station, so i called on the Guardians, and asked for wings to be placed on the bus, and i got there on time... Give Thanks.... It was Lisa who so eloquently explained the trip being out of this world, we had a set Itinerary, 9th - Crop Circle, and 10th - Glastonbury, but it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so....much more. We were given sacred knowledge and teachings that will last for a lifetime and beyond......We had meditation after meditation, that took us, well me deeeppppppppppp....within my self. Even tho the Itinerary said Crop circle and Stonehenge, we went to so many other places, one i would never forget "The White Horse", ............with the Oblique beside it, man....that view, is out if this world, the beauty of the place, i did not want to leave. There was a brief moment, when my heart sank real low....all because of not speaking my truth.... we were in meditation, at Mary Magdalene temple, and it was funny as this was the first meditation that streams of energy was just flowing constantly within. After the meditation i became very depressed, everyone that talked about there experience talked about what they (saw) on there journey...and in my mind i said "once again, every one can see, and i did not see anything" as soon as these thoughts came to me, i automatically felt this heaviness and fell into deep depression. See for those who know of my journey, know one of my most talked about topics is "I cant see". I actually did stand up and talked about my experience, but the words all came out wrong, i told the group, that i started my meditation by asking to be connected to the Guardians, and that i be able to see........ and as Yvette so rightly replied, you asked for what was already going to be given to you........i stood there...and was unable to say another word, i wanted to correct myself there and then but the words just was not coming, in truth, i was beating up on my self, as i did not see gift is to feel.......and that meditation was the strongest surges of energy i felt during meditation. For years i always prayed that i could see in other words be clairvoyant, this journey to Glastonbury, had finally opened my eyes.......finally i can now stop beating up on my self...I do infact see, and in many cases like an Eagle....very far indeed... Give Thanks for my many Gifts. We left the temple and went for another meditation outside, and my oh my.....that meditation turned out to be a rebirth, led by Avi (A living joke) one of her many gifts, spiritual rebirth.... and our Sacred Grandmother Yvette. My depression, turned into sheer bliss.....i did not want to come back guys.........Thankyou Avi and Yvette. After we all went for a meal, to ground ourselves, it was there that one of our Guardians on the Journey with as, (The Griffin) and Lisa Jackson, told me about me...sounds weird...but they were saying the same things i have heard from varies people over the years, but somehow, i was finally understanding........thankyou, Lisa and The Griffin). The Journey was nothing less than magical, rebirth, the other sacred souls on the Journey, was awe inspiring to be amongst so many Divine Men and Women. I saw into the heart of the Sacred Male, and once again after many many many years embraced the Sacred Feminine. I came away on a high, the teachings shall last me a lifetime, i cried many a tear, and released, some deep rooted issues, i soared like the Eagle, i Give Thanks for the many lessons learned, and for the many gifts received. I Give Thanks to Sacred Source of All, The One The Most High, my Guardians, my Ancestors, Goddesses, Devic Kingdom, Crystal Devas, Shamans, Raven, Sekhmet and Pele, your presence was felt through out, To Yvette and to all divine Gods and Goddesses, who were also on the Journey, thankyou for sharing, to the universe, in guiding me, and allowing me to be there, and for sending so many beautiful souls on my path, and allowing our paths to cross..... We were free to be who we are, there was no judgment, it was indeed One Love, I am humbled...... Also thanks to Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls for your patience, and the many lessons taught, many i used on my Journey. Thankyou to all... There is so much healing to be done within my tribe...i have answered the call...... I was asleep, now i am awake..... -Rainbow Eagle-
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 03:51:09 +0000

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