My Name is Tiffany Leimback and this is my THRIVE - TopicsExpress


My Name is Tiffany Leimback and this is my THRIVE Experience. This was really hard to write…. It brings my life into an ugly perspective. Not just for me but also for the world to see and that is scary. I had gotten really good at putting on a happy face …BUT I am in such a better place in all areas of my life. First and foremost for God, he has blessed me more than I deserve, but also for Le-Vel and THRIVE that I am able to CONQUER that fear!! Rewind 1 month…I was in a challenging place in my life to say the least…we had moved to a new town, our new house was in worse shape than we thought, remodeling and construction for 3 months straight and I missed my best friend horribly (and still do). We didn’t have a church home- I was alone without my family in Christ. We have 2 energetic boys that we homeschool; I had a bookkeeping business plus daily chores and stresses of life. My husband is gone for 2 weeks at a time, I am thankful for him and his sacrifices but it leaves me to all of this on my own. This change and stress had drained me physically, emotionally and spiritually. I was so tired to the point of not being able to stay awake sitting on the couch with my kids. I was sleeping long hours at night and STILL needed a nap in the afternoon. My kids watched way too much TV and for sure did not get enough attention and active time with me. I was impatient with my kids and grouchy with my husband. I could drink up to 7 Pepsi’s a day. Some days it was all I had. I was just lacking in all areas, and my kids and husband were being negatively affected. I had wanted this move and everything it came with, but even with all of this I still was missing something. Thank the Lord for my sister in-law Jennifer who texted me one day about her experience with THRIVE. I of course, looked at the price and said no way and that was that…Time passed and I told my husband that I wanted to try it. The day before I started THRIVE I enjoyed my last soda at 10:30 at night. Day1: Woke up, tired but I took my one capsule, jumped in the shower and followed with ½ a shake..NOTHING Day2: 1 Capsule, ½ shake, DFT and NOTHING Day3: 2 Capsules, Full Shake, and DFT. NOTHING or so I thought. I realized that day that I hadn’t napped in 3 days and I hadn’t had 1 soda not 1 and I didn’t even crave it. Fast-forward 4 weeks. I STILL HAVE NOT NAPPED AND STILL NO SODA!!! I Feel awesome! My life has done a complete 360. I am SO excited about what the day is going to bring, I can’t wait to get started. I have great energy all day. I am becoming more patient with my kids and actually enjoy getting on the floor and wrestling around with them. The happiness that I have on a daily basis is so INCREDIBLE. My relationship with my kids is better. My marriage is stronger, and best of all; my Walk with GOD is better than it ever has been before! I started promoting the product in late December because I just couldn’t help to share this wonderful product with everyone. I fully believe that this is answered prayer for myself and for my family. I feel so AMAZING and feel even better helping someone else feel Amazing and the combination of those two things is so powerful! There are times when I really do just want to dance, and I don’t care who is watching, because I just feel that great. I am so thankful and give all the credit to God for putting THRIVE in our paths. I have met and connected with some really great people in just a short time, that without THRIVE I would have never probably met. I am truly blessed beyond words and I am so excited to see what God has in store for my family and myself in 2015!! I am a THRIVER for life. As for my husband, he is now also on THRIVE and we are both Thriving together!!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:21:00 +0000

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