My Pranams to all Gurus through my article. AN ENLIGHTENING - TopicsExpress


My Pranams to all Gurus through my article. AN ENLIGHTENING EPITOME “Guru: Brahma Guru: Vishnu Guru: Dēvo Mahēswarah: Ι Guru: Sākshath Para Brahma Thasmāi Sree Gurve ̄Namah: ΙΙ “ The characteristic feature of Indian culture have long been a search for ultimate verities and the concomitant disciple - guru relationship the practice of guru-shishya parampara has been an indigenous phenomenon from times immemorial . Guru is a Sanskrit word “GUR” – which means to raise or to uplift. An enlightened guru can send out his vibrations of knowledge to his student friends and this illuminated soul can inspire the nations to forsake the boomerang evils of materialism. Men and women in every age even touching the core of mythology and contemporary society make their own history but they do not make it in an historical vacuum de novo. Their efforts however innovative at finding the solutions to their problems in the present and charting out their future with proper planning are guided, circumscribed, molded and conditioned by their respective well esteemed masters without whom they wouldn’t have achieved the success. Mātru Devo Bhava Pitru Devo Bhava Ι Āchārya Devo Bhava Athithi Devo Bhava ΙΙ In sayings it reveals that the due respect for a master is givenprominently next to mother and father where a master plays an important role in a student’s life in molding him at his level best. Enlightenment of a particular student is very much essential and is obviously in the hands of an enlightened master. Enlightenment is an experimental understanding from deep within an irrevocable understanding that the ego exits not. Nobody can state “I am enlightened”, because “I” itself can never be enlightened. Enlightenment & ego are like sun & darkness where they can not exist together. Ego is the darkness that does not have independent existence. It exists only in the absence of light .Therefore one should not struggle with the darkness; one simply has to bring in the light. How does one do that? Merely by lighting one lamp with the help of another set the unlit lamp by the side of the lit lamp and in time the unlit lamp will get it. As the saying goes ΙΙ“Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya”ΙΙ That is why spiritual traditions lay so much importance on the presence of a living enlightened master, and emanates so much respect and gratitude for gurus. Ranging from the mythology to modern society there is no student found progressed without the help of an enlightened and learned master. As for instance, there would not have been a disciple like lord Krishna, if he wouldn’t have mastered by his guru saandepani, there would not have produced the young sole of India, swami Vivekananda, if he would not have taught by swami Rama Krishna Paramahansa, there would not have been an eminent scientist like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, if he is refused as a student of Siva Subramanian Iyer. And hence many more such Instances reveal the fact that there is no student prospered without a teacher who preaches not only the academics but even the lessons of life as well. It is a common tendency of a student to undergo some situations of kinks and junks. The chief offences of so many students to undergo such situations may include intermittent indulgence in other activities, absent mindedness, non-observance of certain etiquettes and occasional unmethodical ways etc… A student can cross all his hurdles in the path of enlightenment which ultimately leads to success only in the presence of a Guru .However sometimes enlightened guru may have no trifling lapse into shallowness or inconsistency escaped his rebuke and this flattening treatment may be hard to endure and even some times as he labored at this gigantic transformation ,he may shook many times under the weight of his disciplinary hammer but the student should and shall resolve to allow his master to iron out each of his/her physiological and psychological kinks and junks. Thus, “Good manners without sincerity are like a beautiful dead lady” “Straightforwardness without civility is like a surgeon’s knife, effective but unpleasant” But “Candor with courtesy is helpful and admirable to a student. Hence, under masters unsparing rod ,however a student can cross the gargantuan and adamantine walls of difficulty and soon can recover from the agreeable delusions of irresponsibility to build an inner life of an outstanding future amalgamated with a stone of spiritual granite, insoluble against ages. Thence, a GURU is a self-realized master who is fully poised to guide innumerable student friends along the natural lines of their essential bias and every student must possess an articulate bondage with his /her GURU. Last but not least I bow my head to all my masters by quoting the Vedic transcription of the term Guru who is a man of enlightened personification. --------- “Softer than the flower, where kindness is concerned” “Stronger than the thunder, where principles are at stake” ©Srrivatsa
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 09:04:28 +0000

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