My Struggle Within......! Read with my Sheikh Nouman Ali - TopicsExpress


My Struggle Within......! Read with my Sheikh Nouman Ali Khan Truly in the heart there is a void that can not be removed except with the company of Allah. And in it there is a sadness that can not be removed except with the happiness of knowing Allah and being true to Him. And in it there is an emptiness that can not be filled except with love for Him and by turning to Him and always remembering Him. And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill this emptiness. — Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyya Brother Nouman Ali Khan’s advices to youth Yesterday, I was part of a sleepover with a huge number of muslim brothers and Alhamdolillah, it was an overwhelming experience. Something new for me was to hear fellow brothers chanting “Allah hu Akbar” after scoring a soccer goal, or after sniping out a red team member on some xbox game! Anyways, the guest was Brother Nouman Ali Khan. I knew him but met for the first time. He was a silent, simple dressed, and a decent person. Like many, I had a glimpse at him when he entered the facility and my eyes chased him until he asked for a basketball and intermingled with the players around. He led our Isha prayer and his recitation was soothing not only for ears, but for all of our hearts for sure. Following the prayers, we gathered around him, and the humble young sheikh sat in the center, and started his fun-oriented dawah session. His didn’t talk about his work; instead, he took advantage of the youth’s gathering, and talked about its responsibilities. Following are few excerpts I remember: Spend as much time as possible with elderly people (parents being of foremost importance), and learn from their experiences. The best place to find such elder people is a Masjid. The classic – choose you friends wisely! Outnumber your bad acquaintances with good practicing muslim brothers. Don’t think that you can improve you bad friends by living amongst them on a daily basis, chances are, that they’ll demote you and your taqwah eventually. Don’t say that I am bored. Because, it means that you think you don’t have much to do in your life. But being a muslim, we can’t be free enough from our responsibilites (dawah, salah, reading, and doing best to attain a higher level in Jannah, etc.) to get ‘bored’. You can live without facebook, and text messages. Come out of this loop, and think about what this technology has done to you and your thought process. Try your best to meet people face to face instead of posting messages on their walls. He left facebook because he received requests like “Sister xyz wants to be your friend”. If you don’t have a beard, then you can do a better job of doing Dawah to people who won’t even look at the faces of beard scholarly men (for advice or knowledge about islam). Try to drag your discussions (with your fellow non-muslim & muslim friends) in a way that you can convey the stance of Islam on matters of life. Jump into discussions if you see such an opportunity, and never hesitate to say what must be known by them. Islam needs not to be defensive. Let not people ask you questions about things that they misunderstand about Islam. Smash questions on them about the apparent fallacies in their societies, pinpoint the issues, and present the solutions. Leave them with a big question mark. Be responsible, you surely have a responsibility. Read more and more of Quran, and use this knowledge to answers questions about your faith. Don’t give yourself time to be alone. The worst that you can do to yourself is to make room for idleness, which usually ends up in you comitting something that you shouldn’t have. So, the idea is to find activities, and always staying in some good company. One alternative is sports! Go out, and play something with your friends. Indulge in physical activities. If you have to, then prefer gaming over useless internet browsing because internet is ‘open’ and you have your limits. But gaming itself has to be limited as something that should follow constructive activities. For example, an hour of gaming following by few hours of group study. That’s it. There was more, but I can’t recall it all.. I am hungry (& single) :D I ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT if I misquoted anything on behalf of Brother Nauman; may Allah SWT bless him with the best of this world and hereafter. Jak. Asalamalaikum.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:08:41 +0000

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