My Thoughts on LOVE Dear Colleague, I love you. - TopicsExpress


My Thoughts on LOVE Dear Colleague, I love you. Now, that I have your attention. What really does one mean when they say, “I love you?” Ancient Greek has four distinct words for love: éros, philía, storgē, agápe. However, as with other languages, it has been historically difficult to separate the meanings of these words. Nonetheless, the senses in which these words were generally used are given below. Éros Eros – is sensual Love. This is the only love that most understand and crave for. It is physical passionate love, with sensual desire and longing. It is that romantic, pure emotion triggered by attraction and typically lacks the balance of logic. Simply put, Love at first sight. Philia Is mental love. It means affectionate regard or friendship. This type of love has and rides on give and take. It includes loyalty to friends, family, and community, and requires virtue, equality and familiarity. Here people respond with love, only when they feel loved. Storge Means affection. It is natural affection, like that felt by parents for offspring, particularly mothers for their children. Here the lover feels attached and is emotionally inclined towards the loved. Agápe Agape – This is unconquerable benevolence, which is a decision to love. It defines LOVE AS A CHOICE. Not based on what the other party does or does not do. It is unconditional Love. This is the God kind of love, loving the unlovable and undeserving. I love you in Ancient Greek, refers to a general affection or deeper sense of true unconditional love rather than the attraction suggested by eros. This love is selfless; it gives and expects nothing in return. While Éros, Philia and Storge are valuable ingredients in a loving relationship, it is only Agápe love that can nurture a relationship on to a sustainable healthy status. True love is not about receiving or what is in it for me. It is about giving, unconditionally, even to the undeserving spouse/partner. So, I urge not just to love from today, but to Agápe. Have a blessed week. Regards Olusoji Oyawoye aCOP, MIoD MD/CEO Resource Intermediaries Limited Saved By Grace Alone Follow me at esojaymentoring.blogspot and on Twitter: @esojayiludun LinkedIN: Soji Oyawoye
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 08:46:02 +0000

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