My brush with the law. Last night I was driving home after - TopicsExpress


My brush with the law. Last night I was driving home after going to the movies with my brother n law Erik and suddenly out of no where there were red and blue lights flashing in my rear view mirror. It was a cop. At first I didnt know why his lights were flashing. I was hoping he suddenly had to be somewhere els to be, I was just in his way and as I pull over he would drive past. I has happened. This time, no such luck. When I pulled over he came over with me and my car is lit up with the spot light. So as Im sitting there, patently waiting for the cop to come over to my window, I have Erik take my registration out of the glove box. I wasnt mad but very calm. The type of calm that comes over you in a serious situation. I wasnt mad just disappointed. But was also thinking it was about time. I hadnt gotten a ticket in a while and felt I was over due. Finally the cop came to the window. Some cops just have permattitude where they just sound agitated all the time. Not this one. He seemed very causal. The cop asked me how fast I thought I was going. Truth is I wasnt really paying any attention to my speed so as far as I knew I could have been going 20 over. I dont have a lead foot but I drive at a speed that feels appropriate for the road. I told him I didnt know. He informed me that I was traveling 45 in a 35. I thought to myself 10 over, thats not bad. Then he proceeds to inform me I have a head light out as well. He takes my license and heads back to my car to make sure things check out and Im not a Meath dealer with priors. Erik then points out that another cop has arrived and looks to be assisting the other cop. I wonder what other people though as they drove past, the two of us sitting in the car with two cops pulled over behind us. I was thinking I should flash people a look as if I was about to make my move. But decided against that. Some time went by and the other cop drove away. At this point Im trying to predict how much the ticket will cost me with the speed violation and broken headlight. Add in the processing fees and the cost to get the head light fixed. Im thinking around $200 total...that sucks. He comes to the window and tells me that the neighbors have been complaining about people speeding down this road and they would like for people to be more careful as the drive past. He told me to watch my speed and get my head light fixed, then walked away.... without giving me a ticket!!!! At first I thought he forgot to, but then I realized he just let me off with a warning! I calmly pulled away being very mindful of my speed. I looked in my rear view mirror to see if he was following me, and just as he had appeared out of no where, he was gone. I definitely counted myself lucky. Now to get that headlight fixed.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 14:00:03 +0000

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