My friend Patti gave me the number 9, to share 9 things you may - TopicsExpress


My friend Patti gave me the number 9, to share 9 things you may not know about me. My real name is Deborah Jean, named after my great aunt Regina who loved the M&Ms we snuck into the nursing home. Contrary to popular belief, my idea of an awesome vaca is a cabin in the woods with a fire going, books, music, friends, and hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps. Or no friends. Just leave the schnapps. On a Sunday in 1975 my grungy, long haired brother Bob and I drove into the parking lot of Forest Hills Baptist Church, stopped the car and played, at full volume, Smoke on the Water among other songs while innocent churchgoers quickly walked into the building. Where was I? On the floorboard, mortified, trying to dig my way to the engine. Good times. I am terrified of thunderstorms. Terrified. Ill never forget a weekend in 1981 when I saw the movie Arthur 3 times in the theater. I wear the pink shirt after walking 60 miles every year. I crochet only to keep busy. Usually I rip it apart and repeat. Its rare that I make anything, but each year I finish at least 3-5 scarves for the homeless. Jon thinks by now I could have crocheted them a home. My favorite comfort food is anything made with ground beef. Im such a weirdo. My sister and I were arrested in 1980 while working at Camp Love for MDA at Lake Lanier in Georgia. I think the hooker costumes might have been too realistic.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:18:45 +0000

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