My friend is a huge fan of Phelous, and I’ve told him that the - TopicsExpress


My friend is a huge fan of Phelous, and I’ve told him that the reason I don’t want to watch those videos with him is because I Don’t Get Phelous’s Humor. That is not the actual story. The Setting: My last two weeks of college. Finals start in 3 days. I am sleep deprived, stressed, and trying to get my college life ended. Not-Phelous friend arrives on my doorstep. Would you like to get high together again, for old time’s sake? She asks. Sure. Why not. Three hours later: Hey, you should watch this guy I found online! She says. Sure, why not? I reply, pizza in hand. We watch a few of his reviews, and I fall asleep partway through Triangle. And then I start having weird dreams. As weird dreams go, it’s pretty pedestrian. Long dark hallways, ominous lights. Not even in the top 50. And then, Phelous starts reviewing my dream. Calling out the flashing lights for not even being scary, saying he’s seen creepier hallways in children’s programs. This goes on for (to my time-addled brain) HOURS. Hours of a not-creepy dream being called out by an internet reviewer for not being creepy enough. My Phelous-loving friend would not be understanding.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 00:57:51 +0000

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