My guineas reached new heights of cheekiness today. 3 weeks - TopicsExpress


My guineas reached new heights of cheekiness today. 3 weeks ago we took in 5 chicken hens that had been dumped next to our driveway. We located them in an area of our property that the guineas dont venture to, which is about 60 meters away from the front of the house and about 150 meters from where the guineas coops are. Keeping in mind that the guineas coops are at the back and off to the side of the house and they never go further than 40 meters away from their coops or the house in any direction. Today was the first day free-ranging for the chickens who have been quarantined since we caught them. Anyway, we were having a relaxing lunch when my most tame guinea Buddy, starts going off. Knowing that it must be something extremely out of the ordinary to set him off, I go to the front of the house to see what all the fuss is about. There in the distance I see the new flock of chickens heading down the driveway with guineas Benny and JoJo following close behind them. Can you believe they were escorting the chickens off the property! I raced down the side of the driveway and managed to get in front of the chickens and with sticks I herded them back to their coop/run. Meanwhile Benny and JoJo were being herded back down to their coop area by my partner, all the while back-chatting, clearly not happy with the situation. Luckily the chickens went straight back into their run and we shut them in for the afternoon to get over their guinea encounter. 20 mins later I go out to check on everything and where do I find Benny and JoJo.....yep, you guessed it, hanging around the chickens pen giving them a piece of their minds. As soon as they saw me approach they took off and flew almost the whole way back to their area. These guineas, they never cease to amaze and amuse me.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 09:21:06 +0000

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