My hats are off to all those who young girls who are very proud to - TopicsExpress


My hats are off to all those who young girls who are very proud to say they are Hindus.....Eventually everyone will embrace Hinduism ( SANATHANA DHARMA - Righteousness for ever ) since Hinduism is mans ever lasting search after truth. Everyone is attracted to Hinduism since 1------it allows FREE flow of THOUGHTS. 2------NO restrictions what so ever. 3------NO. statement starting with THOU shalt not in HINDU scriptures. 4------NO statement that YOU have to be a HINDU to attain SALVATION. 5------NO. statement that GOD in Hinduism is the TRUE GOD and all other Gods are FALSE GODS. 6------ NOBODY is thrown out of Hinduism since they wrote a wrong book or preached a wrong philosophy. 7-------Even an atheist has the right to CONDEMN Hinduism in public and still proudly proclaim he or she is a Hindu.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:04:05 +0000

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