My heart is truly touched by the many people who contact me and - TopicsExpress


My heart is truly touched by the many people who contact me and tell me that they want to start their own rescue. I really dont think there can be enough rescuers in Arkansas. I never have the heart to tell them what rescue involves and the price they will pay. Unless you are a born rescuer you will never last. Rescue is very much like eye color. You can not change your eye color nor can you change the fact that you are a rescuer. Rescue affects my life in a million forms. Animals and people in need seem to find rescuers. We never have to search out for them. Our hearts are broken a million times yet we choose to help one more and love one more. We have held so many as they passed away. We say never again. We then open our heart up one more time. I have done this over and over not only with animals but people. Every single time I rescue an animal a person is involved. Usually the person is a soul that is hurting and in great need. I will never forget the woman who had been so beaten up by her husband yet she so wanted to save the puppies at her home. She cried as she handed them to me one by one. I then told her that she was worthy of being loved. I told her she mattered. Ultimately it is what we all want to know. I truly hope more will join me on this journey. Be prepared. There are moments when you will be thanked. They are few. Your reward is a lick on the face or the gift of seeing an animal healed or a person with hope they never had. There will always be someone that will try to diminish your work or remind everyone of a mistake you made in rescue. They will hurt you, but you will survive. Remember to stick with the positive people in life that share happiness and make your heart dance. Run away from those who speak badly of others. I promise you that if they gossip about others that one day you will be gossiped about as well. They are fighting their own battles. It is not about you. Take the lessons you learned if any and close the relationship. There are too many positive and wonderful rescuers to befriend. Stick with the positive people. Remember our goal is to be the voice of those with no voice. We love and intervene when no other soul will ever know but God and the soul in need. Just my thoughts for the new rescuers out there.....
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:33:44 +0000

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