My mission is to restore the Rule of OUR Ninth and Tenth Amendment - TopicsExpress


My mission is to restore the Rule of OUR Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws, as well as the balance of OUR Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and its dovetail document of Our laws called The Constitution, upon our elected Congressional and Executive Republican and Democrat enemies of these. And, to do so by PEACEFUL RESOLVE. The only way to restore the Rule of OUR Laws, which We The People established and ordained upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies, without a hot combo Civil/RE-Revolution to essentially produce the very same outcome, restore our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws to FULL Force and Affect upon our enemies, so that they are limited BY LAW to spending on the eighteen itemized things listed under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution, is to apply the Constitutional SOVEREIGN powers of each of our home countries. As this is the ONLY peaceful means We The American People have to accomplish this honorable and noble mission, it is most imperative that We The People understand that under the Rule of Our Constitutional laws each of our home Countries remained free and sovereign Countries, and by which legal instrument have formed a more perfect Union (Source: Preamble of The Constitution) of fifty free and sovereign States. In my historical research on George Washington I found the following letter, dated 1796, to the House of Representatives. It is important that we all know that George Washington was the President of the Constitutional Convention and would be most knowledgeable about the spirit, meaning and intent of the Constitutional laws which were being written BY THE STATES upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of the Constitution of these days that try mens souls: It is a fact declared by the [federal] convention [of 1787], and universally understood, that the Constitution of the United States was the result of a spirit of amity and mutual concession. And it is well known that under this influence the smaller states were admitted to an equal representation in the Senate with the larger states, and that this branch of the government was invested with great powers, for on the equal participation of those powers the sovereignty and political safety of the smaller states were deemed essentially to depend. - To Tthe House of Representatives. Fitzpatrick 35:4. (1796) The point here is that all of the States are SOVEREIGN above the Federal Government in all powers and spending authority and ONLY LIMITED BY THE VERY FEW concessions in power by the measures THEY CAME UP WITH, agreed to, and ratified under Article I Section 10. All other powers our home countries retain and must be applied, individually but United, to restore the Rule of our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws, so that We The People can restore the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, by a series of individual State legislative measures which will lead up to State nullification of ALL Federal spending not granted them BY THE STATES as itemized under Article I Section 8, pursuant to our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws. Our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws were drafted to protect each and every one of us FROM a representative democracy in favor of the Article IV Section 4 republican form of Government, limited to spending on only eighteen items under the RULE OF LAW, with the balance of all wants, needs, and desires to be handled by and our paid for by the States or the people: Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Now if you folks want to avoid bloodshed and restore the RULE OF OUR Constitutional Laws, especially the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, back upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights, so they can no longer BUY out The Masses and The Collective forming a Socialist/Communist One World Government State, before it is too late, I recommend that we form groups to COMPEL our State Representatives to sponsor and pass the legislative measures that will lead to State nullification of ALL unlawful Federal spending and PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH. May God be with us!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:33:38 +0000

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