My name is Cathy Dragonfly and I live in Wolfeboro, NH. I am your - TopicsExpress


My name is Cathy Dragonfly and I live in Wolfeboro, NH. I am your typical American business women and mother of two grown sons. I could easily be your mother, your sister, daughter, niece or friend and I plead to you for help restoring civic safety to our public spaces. So I’m asking everyone concerned to please join me as we raise our voices in unison in Washington DC on August 1 at noon. If you can’t join us there, then please go to your local State House Capital and join our vigil for sensible gun laws. We choose this date because it’s just 1 month until our children return to schools all over this glorious country but when they can no longer to school and church in safety then we have lost the American dream. Plain and simple - it’s time we do something and take the American dream back from the NRA and senseless people who would put their 200 year old rights ahead of a child’s life. We need to restore sensible gun laws to this country and stop the NRA from crafting and pushing laws which make it easier to buy a gun then it is to get a driver’s license. So I ask you to please donate to our kickstarter campaigtn so that we can print posters, and postcards and mail them to each state before August 1st. We also need volunteers who can help with leading the vigil from each state. Primarily the person will just need to accept the posters and have them distributed to your State House on the morning of August 1st. Volunteers are also needed to provide peaceful music at each location a la Arlo Guthrie or John Lennon who have a long history of peaceful demonstrations. If you are famous and can lend us your public voice then pleas help. If you’re an editor or blogger please share the word. If you can’t donate or help in person then please share this at every opportunity. We have a FB page titled “NOT ONE MORE” Please like it, share it, boost it, or do whatever you can to help us send this message viral. We have 5 weeks. NOT ONE MORE CHILD! NOT ONE MORE MASSACRE! NOT ONE MORE!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 01:08:50 +0000

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