My name is Elizabeth Fernandez.. I am a Latina woman living with - TopicsExpress


My name is Elizabeth Fernandez.. I am a Latina woman living with HIV. I was given my diagnosis in 2000. My life became difficult as I endured stigma and discrimination from my own community. When I found out that I had to live with HIV, my knowledge of this virus was limited. I thought I was having my husbands child so I got tested! Honestly, while I heard about AIDS, I never thought it would happen to me! I became depressed and isolated myself from others. My thoughts at that time were that I was going to die. My mind was in rewind-rewind –HOW DID I GET THIS!! WHY ME WHY WHY ME This was a difficult time in my life because I was in a faithful relationship, and had so many unanswered questions. At that time important to move forward. I was on a journey of emotional pain, denial “why me?” My hope, strength and support came from my GOD, family, my 2 sons and my partner who continuously love me unconditionally. Suddenly, I realized that I needed to channel my pain and educate myself to be able to advocate for the things I needed. There was the reasons why I needed to stay healthy and live. I made the decision to become my own advocate learning everything I needed to know about HIV health care, mental health, support groups, and meeting others in the HIV community. This is where I built up a lot of my strength today. People just like me thinking positive and making the right choices to live a long life. Today, 13 years later I am still open to learning new strategies to improve the quality of my life. HIV is complex like no other disease because of the stigma, discrimination, shame, and fear. To top it off, there is minimal government inaction that we allow to happen because of the stigma. My model for others is to get involved, learn as much as you can, ask questions, and most importantly team up with the people who care for you. Stay open to new ideas and suggestions! People discriminate HIV does not! We as people with HIV/AIDS don’t have to reinvent the wheel there are numerous agencies to help you in your journey. They are VITAL TO OUR FIGHT TO END AIDS - It is crucial for us to advocate, educate our children and everyone at risk. We as positive people living with HIV, need to stay on our medication, have proper housing, and be able to Obtain optimal health as well as support services. I am now committed to organizing others in our community to make sure that they can take this message to our elected officials. Speaking out, and organizing works. I returned to school, got my GED attended Pace University and graduated from a certificate program for the office professional on computer software. I have trained and certifications and award in the HIV/AIDS field on education and prevention. I attend a Confernce at Untied Nation to help woman on domestic violence and HIV at the World Woman 2013. I represented the Untied States of America in 2012 at XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington DC. I was supported by the National Latino AIDS Action. I am a Bi-lingual HIV Educator/ Activist and advocate, I am a life coach. I am also part of the Yonkers and Mt. Vernon Task force In Westchester County. What is most importantly to me is passing on the baton and moving closer to the purpose for which God intended. As an active community leader for VOCAL NY WESTCHESTER advocating for funding in holding meetings in Albany. Attending rallies in Washington for PEPFAR, the Robin Hood tax fund and the 50th Anniversary to the Martin Luther King March on Washington DC. We have hosted town hall meetings with our Congressmen and Congresswomen. I have worked on a campaign that led President Obama to make “seeking an AIDS free generation” official U.S. policy. Just this Saturday I spoke of WPB Radio Baltimore on World Aids Day. We are more than Conquerors! We are all Positive People trying to better our World to End Aids for A Positive Approach to a New World Without HIV/Aids. I hope everyone learns by reducing risky behaviors and practicing harm reduction you decrease the chance of contracting HIV. I urge you to protect yourself, get tested, and know your status. I also will to inform you about PEP- Pre/Post Exposure prophylaxis it can reduce the risk of infection within 72 hours, a pill you must take for a month, but not 100% grantee you can get it at the Emergency Room. I pray for my brothers and sisters who are Positive People stay strong and healthy, and to those who have passed S.I.P. I know if I can do it, so can you. I love Positive people, remember HIV POSITIVE PEOPLE, WE ARE PEOPLE TOO.. God bless you all and thank you Eliza= 1+PositiveWoman 4 life standing 4 All... Deuteronomy 20:4 For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 16:06:40 +0000

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