My name is Ruth Umphlett. I am from Greenville N.C. it was four - TopicsExpress


My name is Ruth Umphlett. I am from Greenville N.C. it was four years ago I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma. They did the surgery,stage 4, got it all during the surgery.I did not keep the faith and follow the direction God was guiding me to do. However, God did tell me I would not have melanoma again. Well four years later, on July 14th, I had surgery to remove another type of cancer. My family and I were told by the oncologist that he was expecting it to be melanoma in my lung which was probably going to a very bad outcome. I was told they were going to remove the lower right lobe of my lung or maybe more.The anesthesiologist had placed a catheter in my spine for an epidural as a backup plan incase they had to cut me in half. Well praise God! I had three small cuts,invasive surgery with a scope where the surgeon removed the cancer nodule with wedge resection. Path reports were in. It was a typical carcinoid cancer. They got it all. I am now awaiting a visit to the oncologist on Aug 14 to see if I will need chemo or radiation.I pray I dont. I was afraid. My world was turned upside down again not knowing my outcome. People would say ,dont give in to it, dont speak it into existence. Well all I could say was its there and God already knows what is the outcome. I prayed. I meditated. One day, God spoke to me as I was getting dressed to go to a doctor appointment. He told me why I was going through this again. I listened and this time obeyed God. Sometimes were not sure when God is talking. You must be quiet, meditate and listen. We live in a fast paced world and we do not take the time to listen. God allows us to go through tough times because we dont always listen. And yes there are times when we want what we want and we must ask is this what God wants from me. When we dont listen, then we place ourselves in situations that puts us to a very low place either emotional or financial that makes us drop to the bottom , to cry out for Gods help. It is a n d always has been our choice, but it has and always has been a God. We should listen more. We should pray more. Keep our faith no matter what. God is there for all. His hands held out to give us comfort. To ease our pain. The answer may not be what we want. It is what God wants. I was prepared that I was going to die this time. God spoke to me. He told me to send this message and my testimony to all who are suffering.I have obeyed God. I will continue to tell my testimony.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 06:53:55 +0000

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