My right woman Kwok Shan, i love you forever as my one and only - TopicsExpress


My right woman Kwok Shan, i love you forever as my one and only right woman designed and designated by God as my wife, my sweetheart, my very own woman from the grace of God in the Eternal plan as part of the Divine Decrees since eternity past. And you belong to me from top to bottom and from bottom to your tiptoe, and you are mine from the Most High God of the universe and of all creatures and of all things, including the happiness in the soul of any one with correct thinking. There is four kinds of people, unbelievers who are happy under the function of virtue of establishment, and unbelievers who are evil and they are unhappy, and believers who are happy under the function of bible doctrine, and believer who are evil and no matter what they have, they are unhappy; all this is reality because God of the universe is facing every person both in time and in eternity, and certainly the issue for unbeliever is always faith in Christ for salvation because Christ as eternal God had come in humanity, and was judged for all the sins of every person in the human race, so that any one can believe in Christ, and after faith in Christ, faith perception of bible doctrine everyday to have happiness everyday. By the grace of God, i am what i am, and through daily faith perception of bible doctrine for a long period of time, i have acquired maximum bible doctrine in the soul as Epignosis, and i have a spiritual gift of pastor teacher so that believer may follow the systematic teaching of the Word of God from the bible to eventually attain spiritual maturity as God so desires. Since i have maximum bible doctrine which is the wisdom of God and there is no new things in life, so i have great understanding of life, about relationship with God both in time and in eternity which is so fantastic beyond our mind can perceive, but it is reality. There is power and strength and happiness that is beyond the understanding of people but we really have it no matter what happen, including evaluated by other superficially, unjustly, incorrectly (what we think is what we are, and we have certain set point of view which may not be correct, we lack of understanding of people and we do not know what other think, and as i explain what people are from time to time according to what the bible said, which is wisdom for all, so that people have more understanding of self and others, but certainly a lot of bible doctrine is about God and the relationship with God, then only the believer who are filled with God the Holy Spirit can understand it as spiritual phenomena of God), as believer of Christ using bible doctrine in the soul under the filling of God the Holy Spirit in our soul. I am also a teacher of electronic engineering and i have taken a lot of computer courses without a lot of practice, but a lot of concepts are there and repeat themselves in the modern day design as well, and i am also a financial investment expert, but financial world needs a lot of self discipline to make it goes for you, and i learn the subject through reading, watching, and analyzing it, and it is just like learning any subject requires a lot of time, but for bible doctrine, it is the eternal issue, for every believer will stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ facing God and render a report on each day on earth, God is the Creator, the Owner of all creatures, God reads our thought, God knows our true attitude on bible doctrine, and reward us accordingly based on our daily faith perception of bible doctrine. The reason why in the world there are a lot unhappiness, and giving pressure on other unjustly is because, we all have a sin nature, and i have mentioned here time and time again what should be the right thinking in our life, but every person has ones own imperfections, and render many false allegations based on a lot of superficial things which cannot classified as right or wrong for every person has his own personality, and the issue is always mental attitude which determines whether that person is happy in having good attitude with a relax mental attitude and strength, or that person is unhappy because the person is in poor attitude in sin or evil, and God use establishment to protect people and also God is in ultimate control in every situation, so no criminal or any thing on earth or evil of all the forces of fallen angels is able to remove any believer in this life, and the death of any believer is in the Hand of the Most High God, not people, and if it is the time for us to go home, we will go to heaven to face God face to face, and will be with God forever, which is without crime, and in fact all the evils will be removed forever in heaven forever. The reason why we have unhappiness is because our sins, mostly our thought, the sins of arrogance include self righteousness, self pity, bitterness, inordinate competition, inordinate ambition, hatred, jealousy, revenge motivation, judging, maligning, gossip, anger and many of these sins are also sins of emotion, sins of emotion are without thinking, such as fear, worry, anxiety, and worst is guilt. This is what makes the darkness in the world. Any professional should be having the correct attitude of contentment in life, contentment with the job, and a relax mental attitude in life, with peace and happiness. As believer of Christ, we are under the grace of God and eternal plan of God forever, and both in time and in eternity are provided by God, and there is no need to concern about eternity, and no need to concern about death, and the only concern for us as believer is to learn bible doctrine with faith perception everyday under the filling of God the Holy Spirit, and for unbeliever is to have the right attitude of contentment without comparing with other person for every person is different, and the only way for any one to have any happiness is for that person to think correctly, so each person is responsible for his own happiness through correct thinking, having in correct thinking not in: judging, maligning, gossip, and abuse other which are all bad decisions, in self righteousness as the manifestation of arrogance in prosperity, and causing self to be unhappy, and as always only the person who thinks correctly have happiness as the expression of the perfect Justice of God to each of us while we are still on earth, and this is not my law, this is the law of God just like scientific laws are the laws of God established by the Most High God of the universe as written in the original languages of the canon of the Scripture. Every marriage woman is provided by God to that husband, and i have no attempt to steal any woman from any man, correct thinking is always the issue, all man must knows the sensitivity between the relationship between each couple; and i am reporting to God directly under the Authority of God and i know i can reach God to the Supreme Court of Heaven at any time and I have effective prayer, but my prayers are all related to the protection of myself, my associates, and to depend on God to defeat the criminal force that may oppose us, and this are correct thinking based on the need that we as believer should lay them out to the Throne of Grace, and the Most High God expects us not to regard any insult as being personal, but leave retaliation and judgement in the hand of the Most High God, the Lord, and we just added prayer for the deliverance of us and our associates, and the Throne of Grace of God the Trinity is billions and billions light years away but can be reached by us instantly as believer who are functioning under the power system of the Most High God through the filling of God the Holy Spirit and daily faith perception of bible doctrine, and God listens to our prayer and will action at the right time through Knowing all the facts in Omniscience, through All the power of the universe in Omnipotence, and through His perfect Justice and perfect Righteousness.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:08:21 +0000

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