My wife and I want to share something with all of our Facebook - TopicsExpress


My wife and I want to share something with all of our Facebook friends, so please read this as it is something very serious and we want to raise awareness about it. Last week our 6 year old daughter had a very unpleasant experience right here in our very own yard while I was only about 20 feet away in the shed working on something. It seems that a very sick middle aged individual about 6 feet in height, with short brown/black hair and clean shaven, of thin build weighing approximately 165 pounds wearing a dark T-shirt and black shorts with running shoes with green sparkly stripes saw our daughter playing beside the shed at the tree line well away from the road and entered our yard coming in around behind the shed where I was working. She was down over a slight embankment when he approached her. He introduced himself as Kyle and then lowered his shorts to expose his manhood to our daughter!! She tried to get around him to get back onto our driveway and he blocked her and then proceeded to show his manhood to her again. She claims that he touched her shoulder and tried to pinch her cheek as well as touch her face and neck, but did not touch anywhere lower than her shoulder. Again...I was less than 20 feet from her in the shed and didnt hear or see anything going on!!! She did not scream to signal any trouble because she thought he was a nice man because of how he spoke to her. This sick individual heard me stop working and left our yard around behind the shed to the road and when I came out all I saw was what appeared to be a jogger just going out of sight up the road. Our daughter never said a word about the occurrence to me. It wasnt until a few days later that my wife noticed her asking strange questions regarding Girl/Boy parts that clued us in that something was wrong. She also drew a picture of her experience that she explained to her Mother what was in the was a man and herself and a big rock next to where she had been digging and also his hairy manhood!! It took us well over an hour to get her to open up an tell us what happened, she was very fidgety and would try to change the subject, but after explaining that she was not in any trouble and that he was a very bad man she reluctantly opened up to us about it. Evidently he had threatened her with harm if she spoke about what he did to her. We only learned of what happened about 4 or 5 days after this took place and we promptly notified the Androscoggin County Sherriffs Department. There is an ongoing investigation and they are seeking more information about this individual. We feel that he is local to us due to the fat that he was on foot and not in a motor vehicle. This event happened at our home in Poland Maine about 1 week ago. Our neighbors, the school department and Sherriffs Department have been notified of the event that took place and everyone is on high alert to watch for this sick individual. Other than being a little confused about some things and a few bad dreams our daughter appears to be physically okay and we are hoping that there wont be any long term emotional scars from this experience but only time will tell. She is only a 6 year old innocent little girl and she is tough, but no child should ever have to experience such a terrible thing. I dont think I need to say what will happen if I or my wife get within reach of this sick individual......he will not see another sunset!! Please speak to your children about strangers and how to avoid or sound the alarm when approached by such a person. We have very often with our child, but obviously not often enough. I myself am feeling like I have failed as a father to protect my innocent child from harm or danger and the guilt I am feeling is very overwhelming for me right now, but I am trying very hard to step up and do the things I feel necessary to bring this man to justice and to protect our daughter. Please share this with everyone you know so that maybe another child or family can be spared an experience like ours. You think you are safe from such things in your own home or yard and it is very easy to become complacent and forget the little things that can save you and your family from such emotional stress and scars. Again....please share this and bring awareness to this. Even take it a step further......go to your childs school and get them to speak to the children about the dangers of strangers. Summer break is coming and with your children at home playing outside the danger will be greater. Thank you for reading my was the hardest post in my life for me to write about, but we felt that it needed to be done.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 14:26:25 +0000

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