NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNEMPLOYED (NAU) PRESS RELEASE as of 17th Sept 2014 RESPONDING TO GOVERNMENT REBEL CLAIMS. Fellow Ugandans and the youth in particular, today we the members of NAU (National Association of the Unemployed) get to you again on the general issue of economic hardship and unemployment in particular which has reached the level that cannot be tolerated anywhere else (but in Uganda). This week alone, Mr. Museveni, Mr. Kayihura and the speaker of Parliament, all made statements of admission on this problem in Uganda. Surprisingly NRM seems to be happy with this disempowering episode in our country. They use the youth only to advance their political ambitions, fight their political wars, as voting machines, kneeling and begging the so called ‘SSabalwanyi’ to continue perpetuating his rule in a dehumanizing manner. Instead of genuinely attempting to solve the problem at hand, they are busy militarizing economic sectors, distributing handouts, levying heavy taxes on small business created by the youth, demolishing premises housing small business of the youth, recruiting students and young people to secrete security organizations- to spy, work as ‘crime preventers’ and kiboko squads. Instead of preaching viable policies which will lead to government creating jobs for us the youth, Mr. Museveni is going around the country preaching the fact that arts subject are not relevant to the development of the country when himself and his entire family inspired many Ugandans to study no science. We tell this government that instead of finding a scapegoat in art subjects, the most polite thing would be an admission as a government failure to do its primary role to its people. It’s very diversionary and should not be given any attention. Yesterday 16th September, a very expected thing came from them again. The RCC of Kampala who by all standards is underemployed, instead of coming to register with NAU because of the predicament of underemployment she is facing or instead of making a constructive statement basing on the issues and demands made by NAU; made a statement to the effect that NAU is a rebel group! We are not surprised because this government has told many lies, Ugandans know that NAU is not the first organization to be categorized as treasonous. Many innocent people have been locked up in prisons around this country for long periods of time only for the state to fail to substantiate their claims. We know that their statement is to justify their plan to massively arrest youth and charge them with treason. They are preparing the minds of Ugandans but also scare away the youth from this legitimate demand so that they escape from what they are supposed to do. We refuse to give in to this threat, whatever the cost. If arresting and shooting us; innocent Ugandans who are asking government to do what they are supposed to do- is all this government has remained with, let that be. On our part as NAU, we shall remain peaceful, demanding that government performs its functions and obligations. We shall treat the RCC’s outrageous and unsubstantiated outburst as background noise as we continue and stick to our demands outlined earlier. This government came to power through rebel activities. We therefore expect them to know better how rebel activities organize unless they want to tell the world that they learned nothing and forgot everything from all their rebel activities. We condemn the arrest of 12 NAU members; we condemn their illegal detention beyond 48 hours. In fact NAU is going to sue police over the illegal arrests and detention. All the 12 NAU Registrars ( so called rebels) are out on bail! How were they released if they are rebels? As members of NAU we shall not accept this manipulative, opportunistic, deceitful, outrageous, unsubstantiated and diversionary statement by that unregistered member of our Association (The RCC, underemployed, Kabanda Aisha). We also want to state that there is no such politicians manipulating any of us, WE ARE ONLY UNITED BY THIS UNFORTUNATE FAILURE OF THIS GOVERNMENT. We shall not allow this government to politicize our situation and we will fight it to the end. At this moment, we wish to appeal to the public, investors, companies and all employers to avail jobs to our members who have so far registered despite the arrests of some registrars, confiscation of our registration materials and data. We are now looking for jobs which include lawyers, accountants, managers, environmentalists, botanists, zoologists, teachers, potters etc. We will publish a full detailed list on our face book page soon. NAU is firm and committed to the plight of the unemployed and it shall not bow to intimidation, harassment, torture and arrests from a corrupt, incompetent and insensitive regime. Country wide Registration exercise of the unemployed will continue as per our work plan. Registration is both online and physical. CONTACT US: nauuganda@gmail, Face book page; National Association of the Unemployed, twitter; @NAU_uganda, phone nos; 0705856562, 0701756756. END
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 10:16:11 +0000

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