NATO will be revived by the reset of American Diplomacy and its - TopicsExpress


NATO will be revived by the reset of American Diplomacy and its Military to the new cold war which shall evolve as the US abandons the Failed State Model which has made the US into the image of the worlds blundering hypocrite for its speech regarding the need to suppress lawlessness even as it has abolished the necessity to observe the Sovereign Status of Nations with its occupying forces and claims license to perpetrate drone assassinations completely absent due process. The Empire requires enemies, but those enemies most be credible enemies, and that means that they must be able to project power. The Russian Federation which has opposed hegemony by asymmetric means has been forced to the fore by the vicissitudes of the Oligarchs Revolution in Kiev. They are the new Sparta and our American Alcibiades, Barack Obama, will soon be on the lam. Nevertheless no matter who wins the Oval Office in 2016. The Cold War is here to stay. So what if Putin was being backed into a corner by an American propaganda assault which warped the entire Sochi Olympics. This cant be a cold war because Putin, unlike almost every gas bag in the US Congress, is not an ideologue. What nonsense! He is the bare chested Captain of a revitalized Russian Federation which is armed to assure mutual assured destruction so as to prevent a Mano a Mano shooting war between us and them. He has become the perfect foil in a propaganda campaign which would have pleased the Dulles brothers. Freedom fries anyone?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:25:17 +0000

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