NEED ADVICE*PLEASE HELP*NEED ADVICE*PLEASE HELP TO ALL OF MY WONDERFUL FACEBOOK FRIENDS & FAMILY, I REALLY NEED YOUR ADVICE. I Cant believe Im saying this but I had to get it out or I would be an Emotional Wreck and Not be able to Continue on with my Life. I am beside myself and had to sit down after receiving this HORRIBLE, DEVASTATING and LIFE ALTERING NEWS. Please Bare with me if I Ramble on or make Spelling Mistakes, It is Hard to write this, as I am Trembling and shaking with Emotion. As I sit and wipe away the Tears that Fill not only my Tissues but my Soul to its Utter Core, my Life as Far Back as I can Remember, Flashes before my Very Eyes. I always said that This would NEVER HAPPEN TO ME!..... But Yet, IT HAS!!!! So, I am asking.....No BEGGING youto PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO GONE ON? I Need your Help and advice on how to Pick up the Pieces and Carry on with my Life!!! So, hear it is Folks.....I Warn you, Please Sit Down for this as I do not want you Passing out and hurting yourself, I would feel Horrible but I, DENNIS NORMAN,......... have been UNFRIENDED by someone on Facebook... I know, I know how can this be you say? It has to be a Dream, this is impossible, I will wake up soon I know I will. I must move Forward with my Life though I know this but How?? Thankyou for Reading and for the Advice if you do give, I am Lost and without Words. I must go Lie down for a Bit but will talk to you soon. The agony and Uncontrollable crying is making it hard to type.. With Love, ......D.... Oh and By the Way, on a More Serious Note!!!... Thank You to the Lazy, Miserable, Using, Waste of DNA for unfriending me, you honestly just saved me the Trouble, LOL...You definitely must think of Me more than I Do you thats for sure because until this,....I had written you off already, LOL... Have a good Life YA DOUCHE BAG!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 06:22:36 +0000

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